Legends and mates

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Aroha's POV

We just stand there gazing into each other's eyes for what feels like an eternity before I finally snap out of my shock. I mentally scold myself... Your an idiot Aroha, you should have already made a break for it, not stayed ogling this stranger like he was a piece of meat... hmmmm but what a juicy.... Wait!!! No, down girl!! Stop acting like a bitch in heat wanting to jump his bones and pull yourself together!! Breathe, deep breaths keep your cool and we can get out of here without any issues..

He must have sensed my inner conflict as he backs away a few steps with his hand raised in front of him. "I'm sorry for startling you, I saw you while I was out for a walk and couldn't help but introduce myself when I saw you. Also I didn't think it was wise for one as gorgeous as yourself to be asleep out in the open like that while anyone could chance upon you, some of whole may now be as nice as myself. Like I said my name is Sebastian"

The whole time he spoke, I can only guess that I looked like a fish out of water with my mouth hanging open. Even his voice was sexy and I'd be happy to just stand here listening to him talk. Wait a minute... Did the sex god just call me gorgeous? And what was the question again?


He chuckles at my inability to hide that I was distracted checking him out. "I said my name is Sebastian, and you are?"

"Oh right, um A-Aroha?"

"Well um Aroha, is that your actual name or was that a last second choice?"

I straighten my back to try looked confident when I'm anything but. "Aroha. My name is Aroha"

"Well Aroha, it's a pleasure to meet you, but may I ask what are you doing out all by yourself? It's not safe for your ki... someone such as yourself in these mountains all alone at night"

He pulled himself up quickly but I caught his slip up, knowing he was about to say 'my kind'. Since shifters were rarely seen outside of there packs and rarely interacted with humans unless absolutely necessary, it was obvious he assumed I knew nothing about them and didn't want to tell me what he was. Ok well I'll play along for now and pretend to be ignorant of his heritage.

"If by someone such as yourself you mean a girl, than I'll have you know I've been coming here for years by myself without any issue, so I doubt I will stop now just because some man I've never met before told me it's not safe. An while we're on that subject, why are you out here?"

He's smiling now clearly amused by my attempt to stand up to him. "I meant no disrespect Aroha, but these mountains aren't safe right now, I suggest you stay clear for a while"

"And why are these mountains no longer safe?"

"I can't explain it to you, but just trust that you shouldn't return here for a while. I'd suggest you head back to your home now."

Is this guy for real? "My apologies your highness but you don't have any say in what I do and don't do. So if I want to return here I will".

"Nothing I say will change your mind will it?

"Nope". And with that I turn and walk away. But not before catching a muttered "fuck" leave Sebastian's mouth no doubt thinking I wouldn't hear it. I have every intention of returning in the hopes of seeing Sebastian again. I wonder how long it will take him to tell me he's a shifter? Hmmm this might end up being fun.

Sebastian's pov

I've been living in these mountains for little over a month now. I moved from interstate to become beta in the dire pack as they had no beta family. The dire pack if legends are anything to go buy was once run by dire wolves. Mighty warriors whose wolves were meant to be at least 5 times the size of an alpha wolf, able to withstand near killing blows and fight like nothing happened to them and heal nearly instantly, shy of ripping their heart out or taking off there head they were meant to be near invincible. No one knows what happened to cause these legendary wolves to disappear, the legends say the goddess sent the dire wolves to protect the packs but they became corrupted by power, the goddess then changed them into normal wolves to live out there days, all that is but one family. This family had not let power corrupt them, so the goddess changed them into normal werewolves so they would not become hunted for being the only dire wolves. Rumours say that those last dire wolves still have the dire wolf gene running through there blood, so that one day, when the goddess deems it time, dire wolves will once again walk the earth. But I'm not to convinced that dire wolves ever existed, the last recorded sighting of one was in this very pack well over 500yrs ago. As far as I'm concerned, unless I see undeniable evidence they are just silly legends.

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