Setting things straight

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Apologies for any mistakes in advance. I wrote this chapter while I was stuck in emergency all day with my sick step son.
Also below is the cover for the new book I'm about to put up as well as a rough description. Tell me what you guys think :)

 Tell me what you guys think :)

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He's known by many names, none of them good. They say his heart has been destroyed. He spends his days planning the annihilation of packs for his own personal enjoyment of knowing others are suffering worse than him.

He wasn't always this way. He was once a young alpha filled with love for his mate, his Luna. Planning to spend the rest of his life with her and their future pups, only for that dream to be shattered when she walked out of his life after betraying him.

He now counts down the days till he sees her again. He doesn't know what he will do when he does, but he knows she won't enjoy it one bit. By the time he's finished with her, she will be wishing she was as dead as his heart.

Now back to this book :)

Aroha's pov

I could see him opening and closing his mouth trying to form words.

"". Was the extent of his vocabulary at the moment. I'm going to enjoy this.

"Well since you seem to be lacking words at the moment allow me to talk. First things first obviously i've known you were a shifter since we first met, I simply didn't say anything so I could see how long it took you to grow some balls and tell me. Oh and tell Trey Emilia and I have missed our little catch ups while you've been these pass few days".

He tilts his head in confusion having no idea what I'm talking about.

"Oh, didn't Trey tell you? When you've been at my place sleeping he did that nifty little trick he pulled in the clearing of locking you up in the back of your mind and taking over to spend time with me. Since you were asleep when he did it you didn't even realise what was happening and woke up as if you had been asleep the whole time". I smirk evilly.

"Wait, you knew? Why didn't you just say something?". Finally a sentence out of him!!

"Now where would have been the fun in that? I've been living alone for year since my parents died hiding away from the world. It's been quite boring and lonely to be honest. Now, I know exactly why you wanted to reject me, and to be honest I understand. You thought that by staying away from me you would be keeping me safe from your past. I've done the exact same thing for years, I've stayed away from my only remaining family to keep them safe. Hiding away on my own in the hopes of my baggage not catching up with them, but in the end it has anyway. If I could go back I wouldn't have stayed away, I've spent years being lonely when I could have been enjoying my life. So what's the point of you sabotaging your own happiness based on some what ifs?". I let this sink in before I continue.

"Now that you know what I am there's no need to worry. You can stay at home doing all the house work and I'll protect us". I try keep a straight face while saying this so he thinks I'm serious. He's now looking at me horrified like I've grown 2 heads.

I walk away and approach Kirk who's been standing nearby listening as have some other warriors who have lingered after the battle.

"Is there such thing as goldfish shifters?". I ask him.

"What?? I don't think so. And if there was I think they would to embarrassed so tell people what they were why?".

"Well since poor Sebastian over there has mainly just been opening and shutting his mouth like a stunned fish the whole time I was starting to wonder if he was part fish". I giggle.

"Well you might want to do something about your fish. Some of the female warriors are looking at him like they want to purchase him from the pet shop". Kirk replies smugly.

Turning my attention I can see Sebastian being eyed up by a group of 5 female warriors. One leaves the group to approach him, well guess it's time to mark my territory.

I make my way towards Sebastian intercepting the other female half way, bumping her shoulder and knocking her over. "Whoops, sorry i didn't see you there". I lie. The female now on her ass in the dirt sending me daggers.

Reaching Sebastian i make sure everyone can hear me clearly. "I'd say this won't hurt but I'd be lying. This if going to knock you on your ass so come find me when you've woken up and decided to stop living in the past. So just to make it clear. you are mine!". As an after thought I look to the females and add "so go find your own mate". With that I grab his shoulder and pull him close as I plunge my canines into his shoulder. Marking him as mine.

I can see him start to stumble as Kirk joins us. "Are you going to catch him?". He asks

"Nope, he's a big boy, another little fall won't kill him". I chuckle as I watch Sebastian pass out for the second time today.

"And how long should I expect him to be out for?". Kirk inquires.

"I'd say a couple days at least, not like anyone in the last 300years has been marked by a dire wolf for us to ask. Once his body gets use to my mark he should wake up and be perfectly fine. Well I'm heading back home, tell him I'm at my house when he wakes up". With a wave I make my way home. This is the most fun I've had in a long time.

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