Hes back

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Sebastian's pov

I don't rush back to see Aroha no matter how much I want to. I need some time to sort things out and this walk will allow me just that. Alpha Black wants me to patrol past the eastern borders in neutral territory as well as hinting I should spend time with my mate.... I have to come up with some excuse for me leaving... maybe I can tell her I'm going to work?

"Really? And what are you going to tell her you do for work? Scoffs Trey".

"You know things are a lot more peacefully without you putting you two cents in every chance you get Trey".

"Now what would be the fun in that? You would be bored out of you mind if I wasn't here to keep you on you toes Sebastian".

"I must have done terrible and  unforgivable things in my past life to be stuck with the likes of you in my head Trey".

"Gasp!!! Oh Sebastian, I think you just hurt my feelings".

I couldn't resist rolling my eyes at his fake dramatics. "Fellings? What feelings? You just being a drama queen for a little attention".


"What? No comment Trey??".

*crickets chirping*

Finally some peace and quite now that damn tigers done.

Maybe if I stay with Aroha I can use the excuse of going for a run and get in a couple of patrols during the day, and at night I could leave when she's asleep to do a more extensive check without her being any the wiser.. hmmm yes that might just work. I'll just have to make sure she doesn't ask too many questions.

Shit, I must have been daydreaming for while as before I know it I'm leaving the cover of trees and walking towards Aroha's house. I know I didn't come back straight away but it was only a few days. She's going to be happy to see me right?

I've barely raised my hand to knock before the door is wretched open and Aroha is barreling our the door into my arms. "Sebastian!!!". She jump into my arms and me not expecting this, it propels us both backwards, me ending up on my back with Aroha straddling my waist hugging me.. Well I guess she's happy to see me then.

"Sebastian your back! I was wondering when you would be, I didn't have anyway to contact you, I missed you, I...".

"Shhhhhh". I place a finger to her lips silencing her little rant and causing her to stop all the moving around she had been previously doing. The little confused pout she gives me is just adorable I can't help but chuckle. Causing than pout to quickly become a frown.

"Aroha, I'm glad you happy to see me, but if you kept up all that wriggling around that you probably didn't notice you were doing, well considering our current position we would quickly be doing a lot more than you wanted out here in the open... unless of course you like putting on a show?". I gently thrust up to emphasise my point.

Obviously felling my arousal she had been pretty much rubbing up against she gasps and promptly jumps up.

"Omg, sorry I was just so happy I didn't even realise what I was doing". Aroha says is a rush, clearly embarrassed.

"That's ok love, I'm quite happy for you to continue bouncing up and down on Sebastian junior inside".

I advance towards her and pick her up bridle style. Closing the door behind us I can't help but here her mutter "nothing that big should be called junior".

Now that brings a triumphant smile  to my face.

Aroha's Pov

I immediately jumped up off of him on the ground once I became aware of something very hard being thrusted up.... I can't believe I was wriggling around in his lap and didn't notice that... face palm moment right there Aroha.

I quickly rush out with the first words that pop into my head "Omg, sorry I was just so happy I didn't even realise what I was doing". Really Aroha?? What a stupid thing to say... I can just tell my cheeks are blushing bright red...

"That's ok love, I'm quite happy for you to continue bouncing up and down on Sebastian junior inside". Sebastian responds back with out any hesitation and proceed to come and pick me up bridal style and take me inside. Completely shocked I couldn't even think of something to say.

Finally snapping out of it I couldn't help but think nothing that big should be called junior. Wait did I say that out loud? Sebastian didn't say anything and proceeded towards my room so I guess I didn't, thank god!!

Upon entering my room Sebastian places me on the middle of the bed and steps away from me, his eyes travelling up and down my body taking it in. Slowly taking his cloths off and climbing on top of me he start trailing kisses up my neck before pausing to whisper in my ear

"Well Aroha, after such a memorable greeting, I think it's time I showed you just how much I missed you".

Oh boy did he show me... all night long.

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