Rouges and secrets

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Alpha blacks pov

After finishing up some paperwork that needed my attention before I could leave, I headed out of my office, down the stairs and out the front door of the pack house.

I was walking across the front yard about to enter the trees and head to see Aroha when one of my patrol initiated a mind link "ALPHA!! A group of rouges are waiting on the edge of the western boarder".

I shift into my black wolf and head to the western boarder while getting more information. "What do you mean waiting?"

"Alpha, A group of 5 rouges approached our boarders but have stopped before they crossed our pack lines. One is definitely an alpha, another seems to be his beta and the other 3 are warriors".

This confuses me as whenever we encounter rouges they have always attacked us, not waited on our boarders. "Are you sure it's not a trap? Maybe they have more wolves waiting back further. Can you smell any other wolves?".

"Negative alpha, one of my men is in a hide up in a tree out past the pack territory and only saw the 5 wolves approach. The wind is also blowing our way so there's no way we wouldn't be able to smell them".

"Thank you officer. I'm currently 5 minutes out from your location, stay back from the rouges and keep your eyes on them till I get there".

"Yes alpha".

I close the mind link and increase my pace towards the area where the rouges are.  As I approach the boarder Sebastian joins me in his tiger form. "I hear we have rouges alpha, what's the plan?".

"We're going to see if we can find out what they are doing here, there is only 5 of them and we currently have 8 patrol officers watching them so we have them outnumbered if they decide to attack. Just leave the talking to me".

"Yes alpha". Sebastian falls into step beside me and we reach the boarder together shifting into our human forms.

I assess the rouges seeing that my officer was correct, it's definitely an alpha with his beta and top warriors judging by the power radiating off them. All remaining in there wolf form as they watch us. Still not as powerful as me though, and not anyone I recognise.

"State your business rouge, why have you come to our territory". I watch as the alpha shifts into his human form. He looks to be in his early 20s, jet black hair, covered in tattoos and scars, and like any alpha boasts defined muscles.

"Ah alpha Black, what a pleasure it is to finally meet you, I am alpha Liam, alpha of the rouges. And as for my reason for being here I think you already know the answer to that, don't you".

My pack turns to look at me with confusion.

"Hmm by your pack mates reactions it seems you haven't told them your secrets. Tsk tsk tsk.... I shall give you one chance black. I have some business I need to attend to overseas that will unfortunately keep me busy for a couple months. So I shall return here in three months, at which time you will hand her over to me, or I will make you watch as I kill every single one of your pack members, and then I will take her as mine. The choice is yours. See you in three months". And with that he changed back to his wolf and left with his pack.

I stood there staring daggers at the spot Liam had been standing, it wasn't until I hear Sebastian calling my name and shaking my shoulder that I snapped out of my trance. I realised I hadn't even noticed my hands we bleeding due to my claws having extended while i was clenching my fists during Liam's speech. Retracting my claws my hands heal almost instantly as I turn to Sebastian.

"Alpha, what did he mean by your keeping secrets? And who is this female that he wants? Is she part of our pack?".

Sebastian is now the only one remaining with me and I know the other have made sure they are well out of earshot. "The secrets he speaks of are not something that can be talked about right now, but when the time is right the pack will be told. And no, the female he wants is not part of our pack".

"Well do you know where this female is that he want?". Sebastian looks deep in thought and I'm not sure I'm going to like what he's thinking.

"Yes Sebastian, I know who he wants and where she is".

"Well this seems simple then alpha, if she's not apart of the pack then we should hand her over. The safety of the pack comes first and is she isn't apart of our pack we don't owe her protection".

His relaxed attitude to the situation and suggesting we give them what they wanted infuriated me beyond belief, I felt at wolf take over and watched as Sebastian took a couple steps away as my eyes turned black showing my wolf was in control. My wolf began growling and pushing out waves of power, enough that any normal pack member would be forced to there knees. "If I ever hear you suggest such a thing I will strip you of your position in this pack. Just because someone is not a part of this pack does not mean you can just send them like a lamb to slaughter. Do I make myself clear".

"Yes alpha. Sebastian nods and quickly takes his leave, most likely worried about my wolf doing something while in control. I will admit my wolf is quite a beast, and I've been told scares most people. Looking down at my watch I see is already mid afternoon, meaning o won't have time to go see Aroha today. Seems I'll have to wait till tomorrow to see her now, guess it gives me some time to think about this Liam situation. I turn and head back to the pack house.

Sebastian's pov

I watch the alphas eyes turn black as he starts pushing his power out. The intensity of if causing my knees to buckle slightly but I manage to remain standing. All I can think of while he's telling me off, is who is this girl he's protecting, she must mean a lot to him. But I know he's not going to tell me until he wants to, so I'm just going to have to trust him. I nod in acknowledgement of his words and make my way home. Looking at the time I realise that if I want to go see Aroha tonight to reject her then I need to leave now. Adjusting corse I begin my travel toward the clearing I found her in last night. 

Aroha's pov

I can't contain my excitement as I make my way towards the clearing. I'm pretty much skipping most of the way there. I'm my excitement I left early and reached the clearing much earlier than I had originally planned, so I sit down next to the pond and watch the fish as I wait for my mate to arrive. I can't wait to see him....

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