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Ok guys I've just uploaded the description and first chapter of my new book. 'His Luna's Betrayal'. Let me know what you think! Would love some feedback on it. Heres the description bellow. Also will be uploading the epilogue and completing 'Rejected' in the next couple days :) thank you to those who have stuck around for the long haul, it's much appreciated. :)

His Luna's Betrayal

He's known by many names, none of them good. They say his heart has been destroyed. He spends his days planning the annihilation of packs for his own personal enjoyment of knowing others are suffering worse than him.

He wasn't always this way. He was once a young alpha filled with love for his mate, his Luna. Planning to spend the rest of his life with her and their future pups, only for that dream to be shattered when she walked out of his life after betraying him.

He now counts down the days till he sees her again. He doesn't know what he will do when he does, but he knows she won't enjoy it one bit. By the time he's finished with her, she will be wishing she was as dead as his heart.

RejectedWhere stories live. Discover now