War is coming

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14.5k views guys!!! Thank you to those who have had the patience to stick with my story. I also realised that anytime I was writing "neutral territory" my phone was auto correcting it to "Nutella territory". Now I'm not sure about you but I think I'd prefer this Nutella territory place 😂 pretty sure I've changed all the Nutella's  back now :)

Sebastian's pov

After hours of detours and backtracking to ensure that my trail won't be followed I finally make it back to the pack house well after midnight.

"Alpha I'm back". I mind link.

"Good, I've already informed the others, we are waiting for you in the meeting room for an emergency war council". Black promptly responds.

Making my way through the main pack house I enter the room and all conversation ceases. I take my seat beside my alpha as he begins the meeting.

"Now that everyone is here we will proceed. Yesterday I sent Sebastian out into neutral territory to investigate reports of rouges in the area. He has told me he has important information from this trip. I decided it was going to save us time if he shares it with all of us rather than calling multiple meetings. Beta if you will".

"Thank you alpha. As our alpha explained I went in search of rogues yesterday. I had been searching for quite a while and was about to turn back when my tiger insisted that we keep going, that we would find something up ahead. He was right, I eventually came upon was seemed to be an abandoned storage building left over from a logging company, with a rogue outside guarding it".

Murmurs pick up around the table at the mention of the rogue. I wait for them to die down and continue. "Shortly after a rouge exited the building to relive the other from guard duty. When the door was open I could see inside, the building wasn't abandoned. It was filled with rogues, I couldn't pick up any conversations  due to the amount of noise being caused but as soon as the door shut no noise could be heard at all. That old building it soundproofed like there's no tomorrow, they need to have some serious resources to be able to do that.  I watched the two rogues outside and overhead them talking about the war".

Some of the others lean forward in there seats hanging on every word, almost as if they know something important is coming.

"They are preparing to attack in 3 days time, they are certain the element of surprise will work in there favour. They said there looking for someone there alpha wants". I don't say more incase Sebastian doesn't want the others to know about this mother of dire wolves yet.

News of the impending attack causes intense chatter to pick up around the table, questions and suggestion are all being said and asked at once. Everyone trying to talk over each other in there concern.

"I swear the packs kindergarten is less chaotic then this room most of the time". Black mind links me. I hear a heavy sigh as he gains back control of the room.

"Enough!". He bellows. "Your acting like a bunch of undisciplined children rather than the war harden adults you are. Now let's discuss tactics and make a plan. It's already 2am and I'd like to get at least a few hours sleep".

The rooms dopes into complete silence, as the others now there heads in embarrassment.

Happy with there silence black continues. "Now, the rogues came to our western borders last time, but there encampment in this storage building is in the east. They can not get around the north side of our border due to the cliffs on that side, it would take them weeks to manoeuvre there way through the rough terrain, so they can't be going around us that way if they are attacking in 3days. Since they are currently camped east I suggest we move the main portion of our army on the eastern boarders, have scouts along the south and west boarders, so if they try to sneak around behind us the scouts will notify us so we can redeploy to the other borders. The remaining warriors will stay here to protect the rest of the pack that will be on lockdown here at the pack house. As we are not sure of attack time we shall camp out the night before so we are ready for an attack at anytime. Any objections?".

Searching around the table everyone is shaking there heads, all happy with the alphas plan.

"Good. Now as you alpha its been my responsibility to protect the pack even if that means keeping things from you". Confused looks are shared around the table, I think I know where this is going. "We were named the Dire pack after the legends of our ancestors, many believed these tales to be nothing but stories. I'm here to tell you that they are truth. To keep it short and simple, dire wolves once ruled the world, entrusted to protect us on behalf of the moon goodness, but they were corrupted by dark magic and started a Great War to take over. The moon goddess, striped all dire wolves of there power as they were not worthy and had abused there job. She said that she would return dire wolves to the earth once more when the time was right. That one day a female wolf would be born with dormant dire wolf genes, and she would give birth to what would be the first dire wolves in centuries. She would be called the mother of dire's, and her children would be the first born. This is who the rouges are here for. I have swarm to the moon goddess to protect them until they can take there place as protectors. The process of removing the dire wolves powers took its tool on her, so she will not be able to do it a second time. This is why me must defeat the rogues. If they get what they want, that alpha will force the female to give him pups, he will then brainwash these pups and turn them into his own personal killing machines so he can take over all shifters. Inform your warriors of this. It's time that knew what this fight will cost us if we loose".

All that can be seen is stunned faces all around the table.

"But, but we all thought those stories were just made up alpha?".

"No, they are completely true and now we have been called upon to make sure that the dire wolves once again roam this earth like the goddess always intended. Any problem with this?".

The lead warrior speaks up. "No alpha, on behalf of everyone here we were just surprised to find this information was actually true when we always believed it to be just legends. I and all your warriors will gladly follow you and are honoured to do the goddesses bidding".

"Good, prepare your warriors and be ready to leave in two days. Meeting over". 

"Stay Sebastian". Black mind links me.

He starts talking once everyone has
Left the room. "I need you here to help with preparations, will your mate be joining us?".

"No, it's best she stays well away from this". That's if I even see her once this war is over.

"If that's your final decision. You need to be prepared for anything during this war, I suggest you expect the unexpected. Now go get some rest. Dismissed". Black says.

"Yes alpha". Tilting my head I make my way towards my room here at the pack house. The whole time wondering why I should expect the unexpected.

Aroha's pov

Three days.... Three god damn fucking days since he left to have a so called drink with a friend.. he could have at least made up a better excuse. I know it probably has something to do with this rogue problem Kirk mentioned.
But I was just hoping this would have forced Sebastian to come clean that he's a shifter. 

Hmmm maybe I should go rock up at the pack house? Hehe I'm sure that would shock the crap out of him. Tempting. Or maybe....

I'm suddenly interrupted from my scheming.

"Aroha, the war is beginning". My brother mind links me.

Fuck this, I'm not going to sit here at home while there at war. I walk out my front door and start heading towards the pack lands. I'm not going to risk them dying trying to protect me, not when I can do something to keep them all safe.

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