Trey's rejection sabotage

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Aroha's pov

I was starting to get nervous while I was waiting for Sebastian to arrive, but all my nerves flew out the window when I looked into his eyes. It just felt so right to be near him and made me feel safe.

After getting him to join me in the grass I noticed his eyes darken
Slightly from there usual cobalt blue. Hmmm he must be allowing his animal to come through and join him to talk to me, but still holding control as his eyes didn't turn completely black. The only time a shifter eyes turn black is when there animal has completely taken over, more often than not leaving the human side with no recollection of what has occurred unless there animal wants them to know. It's exciting to think I'm talking to his animal as well, I can't wait to meet him and find out what kind of shifter he is. Not like I can just ask him since I'm not meant to know he's a shifter.

We spend some time getting to know one another 20 questions style. Though I admit I keep zoning out occasionally as I get caught up with analysing his features and dreaming of a future with him.

"Aroha your doing it again".

Shit.... "oh, sorry.. my mind wandered elsewhere". Pretty sure I'm blushing like an idiot after being caught staring at him like a love sick fool yet again.

Sebastian chuckles at my obvious discomfort from being caught out "Oh I don't mind, you can look as much as you want". 

His eyes suddenly become unfocused and change more towards there usual Cobalt blue.. they must be talking and Sebastian is coming back into control.

A snarl snaps me out of my thoughts as I look to see Sebastian looking down with his eyes shut
And his fists clenched by his sides to the point they are turning white from the pressure. What the hell is going on?? I don't have to wonder long as Sebastian lifts his head and looks as me with jet black eyes... eyeing me up like I'm his next meal...

Holy shit... his animal has taken over...

Trey's pov

This time Ive spent getting to know Aroha has been some of the best moments of my life. She is simply captivating, from her laugh to her smile, her innocence shines through when I keep catching her getting distracted and checking more out. God I love it when she blushes. I can't imagine a life without her, to bad Sebastian the king of idiots is so hung up on his past that he would deny himself a future. I have my suspicions that Aroha knows about shifters, as she seems very at ease with this instant attraction between us where most humans would question what is going on.

I need to find a way to stop this rejection.. after telling Aroha she can look at me as much as she wants Sebastian starts to take back full control, obviously not impressed at my attempts at flirting. I'm running out of time and need to do something fast while I still have a chance of stopping this.

I have an idea but I know Sebastian is probably going to hate me for it... o well, he will get over it in time and forgive me once he realises I was only doing what's best for him... hopefully.. I'd rather have Sebastian pissed of at me than have to live without a mate.

"I'm sorry Sebastian".

"What for??".

"For this".

And without a second thought I push Sebastian back into the depths of his mind and lock him in a silver cage, insuring he won't get control back until I want him to. I shut him out completely so he won't be aware of what I'm doing.

I look over to see Aroha looking a little nervous so I slowly shuffle closer to her till the point we're  almost touching. I note how she slowly relaxes and take that as my cue to progress with my plan.

Now sitting side by side I wrap my arm around her waste and gently pull her into my side. Without any resistance she leans into my chest, allowing me to lean my head into the crook of her neck and inhale her mouth watering scent. She smells like freshly backed brownies, definitely smells good enough to eat. What surprises me is when Aroha does the same and seems to be smelling me, hmmm interesting.

I brush her hair off her shoulder
Allowing me clear access to her neck. I gently run my lips along her neck gauging her reaction, and judging by the soft moan that leaves her lips there's no complaints coming. I start laying kisses up and down her neck, loving the way she moans and moves her body closer to mine. I deepen the kisses and begin sucking her neck as I zero in on the sweet spot on her neck where my mark belongs. Allowing my teeth to lengthen I lightly run them over her skin showing her my intentions. The moment she tilts her head allowing me more access I know it's time. I ever so slowly put pressure on her skin and the moment my teeth pierce through I give control back to Sebastian.

Haha "Surprise Sebastian".

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