The battle

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I've been moving things around a lot in this chapter, adding and deleting things constantly yet I'm still not 100% happy with how it turned out.  So i decided to just post it and maybe if I come back to it once I've finished this book I'll be able to improve it.  Can't  believe the books now at 19.9k!!! Nearly at 20k its currently 2am when I'm posting this so fingers crossed by the time I wake up in the morning it's reached 20k!!

Since this books nearly finished I'll be choosing a new book to start  soon. Would anyone like an update with a sneak peek at the descriptions for the books I plan to write?? Might end up seeing what book seems the most popular and I'll begin uploading that one first :)

Sebastian's pov

From the moment she walked out I couldn't take my eyes off her. So many thoughts were running through my head I couldn't think straight. What's she doing here, I need to get her out of here, how did she know where we were?? What the hell is going on!!

I watch her approach Alpha black and stand on his left hand side while I remain of his right. I'm not sure I could move if I wanted to right now, I'm literally too stunned to move. I'm soo busy staring at Aroha trying to figure out why she is here that I stop paying attention to what's going on around me, I'm barely aware of the exchange of words currently going on. To me they come across as incoherent mumbling.

I start to come to my senses as Aroha changes before my eyes, one minute she's her usually shy innocent self then her posture changes and she throws off an aura of complete confidence. Next thing I know I'm knocked flat on my ass as an astronomical amount of power is released, more power than I've felt from any one alpha. Struggling against the power to sit up I notice everyone else in the same predicament as me, searching the area i find the only ones still standing are the two alphas and Aroha.

How is she still standing? Maybe Alpha Black stopped her from falling. It's then that I come to the sudden realisation that the power is coming from her! But how? She's human, no human could contain such power, it's impossible.

I get a brief smell of Aroha's scent finding it strange. It's slightly off to usual, it's got a slight wolf scent to it. It must be all the wolves around confusing my nose.

I'm about to stand up when I I hear a ferocious growl. Whipping my head back in Aroha's direction thinking she may be in danger, I'm just in time to see her clothes shred to pieces, and where once my darling mate stood, is now a huge hulking beast of a wolf lunging for the Alpha Liam.

"Well shit". The words barely leaving my mouth before everything turns to black and I faint.

Aroha's pov

Lunging for Liam I see the fear in his eyes as he sees me charging towards him. Whether it be from courage or stupidity he changes into his small mud brown coloured wolf that barely meets my chest and meets me head on. Does this little wimp really think he's any match for a dire wolf?

My wolf 'Emilia' hasn't had the opportunity to be out for a long time since we've been in hiding all these years and I've needed to be carful when I shift. So rather than just finish off the alpha I decide to prolong the fight, letting him almost get his teeth into me on a couple occasions. I'm roused from my little game by Kirk.

"I know you were looking forward to shocking Sebastian but you may have done a little too good of a job. Also some assistance would be great, not all of us are as invincible as you". He mind links me.

I turn back to finish the alpha to find him gone. Damnit, where did he go. Searching the battlefield there only seems to be a couple deaths on the rogues side since we barely been fighting for 5 minutes. This may just be the shortest battle in history at this rate. Both sides seem evenly matched. Well apart from me that is. 

I spot Liam now on the other side of the clearing sneaking up on Kirk as he battles two wolves, he almost seems to be trying to keep them away from something. It's then that I realise Sebastian is lying on the ground behind him. Shit, maybe i shouldn't have just sprung my wolf on him.

"Kirk behind you!". I warn him as I'm already sprinting in his direction.

"Emilia, would you like the honours?". I ask my wolf.

"It would be my pleasure to teach these pups a lesson". She responds with glee.

I give her control knowing she will enjoy this. I take a back seat as she barrels into the wolves attempting to take down our brother. I watch her lock her jaws around a dirty brown wolfs neck and send him flying across the clearing, smashing into a tree with a sickening crack, his body falling lifeless to the ground.

The other rogue quickly removes himself from the fight, leaving only the alphas and me locked in battle with a currently completely useless Sebastian laying close by.  I move in front of him to make sure he's protected, my wolf slightly concerned that she can't contact Trey while he's passed out.

All other wolves in the field have ceased fighting and are watching on, the rogues can clearly see their Alpha is no match for a dire wolf, even if he's crazy enough to believe otherwise. Deciding enough is enough Emilia pounces on Liam, using one paw on his neck to hold him down, I can feel her using her power to make him submit.

"Aroha, he's started going feral and it's to far advanced for me to get him to submit". Emilia links me. The sickening crunch of Emilia breaking his neck with her paw and crushing his airways can be heard loud and clear since the fighting had already stopped.

Glancing around I notice Sebastian finally awake and sitting up. Shifting back into my human form I address the remaining rogues.

"Your Alpha is defeated, if you choose to continue the fight I promise you, you will loose. I allow you to leave here with your lives intact to spread the word of what you have seen here today, that the time of the dire wolves is here, and that the dire wolf pack is not a pack you should mess with".

Promptly all rogues tuck tail and bolt from the battle field. Clearly not as stupid as there alpha thinking they could take on a dire wolf.

"Shouldn't we follow and kill them while there on the run?". I hear from one of our warriors.

"No need, if there stupid enough to come back I can deal with there whole pack if need be. Now gather the wounded and take them to the medical tents back at camp".

I may not be their alpha but no one hesitated in following my command. Taking inventory of the wounded the worst injuries seems to be a few broken bones, nothing a couple good days rest won't fix.

My concern for the others satisfied I turned my attention to Sebastian standing off to the side. I can see his nervousness as I slowly stalk towards him, a stern expression on my face. When I reach him I stand before him with hands on hips. His eyes widening in shock at my next words.

"So. Anything you wanna tell me about some silly plan to reject me?".

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