Suprise takeover

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Short update sorry  but I plan on doing a couple updates over the next few days as I actually have time off work so they are ending up a little shorter than I had wanted.

Sebastian's pov

By the time I arrive at the clearing Aroha is already there waiting by the pond, watching the stars and singing. Not aware of my arrival, I take this time to study her. I can't believe someone so beautiful was giving to me as my mate.... o why couldn't she have been a shifter, then I wouldn't have to go through the hell of rejecting her. But it's for the best, being human she wouldn't be safe with me. I've lost everyone that I've ever loved, to loose her too would be the end for me, I wouldn't be able to live if that happened.

"Sebastian if your so set on doing this, can you please spend some time talking and get to know her before you reject her.. so that I have some memories too look back on and remember her.... please?".

The longing in Trey's voice make me feel guilty, I'm forcing him to loose his mate too. "Fine, half an hour and then it's time to get this over with and head home".

"Thank you Sebastian".

I step out of the trees and make my way towards Aroha making sure she can hear me. She turns around smiling at me, leaving me breathless, god she's beautiful.

"I knew you would come back Sebastian".

"I wanted to talk to you properly, you ran away pretty quick last night".

"Yes well i was quite surprised to run into a stranger, when I've been coming here for years and never seen another person. Come join me on the grass".

"This is your time Trey, I'll share control with you for the next 30mins, ask what you want then we need to get this over with".

"Thank you Sebastian".

For the next half hour I stay in the back of my mind allowing Trey to have this time with his mate, as he will be loosing her too.

"Ok trey, it's time to finish up, we need to be heading back soon".

"I'm sorry Sebastian".

"What for?"

"For this".

I feel myself being pushed back into the deepest depths on my mind and suddenly find myself locked in a silver cage

"What the hell is this Trey??!! Give me back control now!!!".

"I'm sorry Sebastian, but I can't allow you to reject my mate, I'll give you back control once I've put an end to this stupid plan of yours". And with that he was gone and I was left in darkness.

Well Shit.... what the hell does that tiger have planed.

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