24. Persiguiendo el Sol

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*Matty POV*

"And it's a sure shame, You'll always be the one who got away," 

My part in the music video was so small that all I had to do was be a part of the final scene and stay on the island for the next two days in case they needed me. 

The gig was easy but the only thing I didn't like about it was how the song seemed to match my story with Miguel. He was a friend now, but a friend with something very special attached to him like a notch of honor on his belt.

I sat in the car as we drove to the location and looked out the window while Miguel spoke to his manager on the phone. Just watching the ocean crash against the rocky cliffs made my heart ache with so much pain that it was nearly unbearable. 

Everything reminded me of Luca and it was driving me insane. The ocean reminded me of his majestic swimming abilities and every shade of blue reminded me of his gorgeous eyes even if it wasn't the brightest shade of azure like his. The sand reminded me of our runs on the beach back on Bridgeport and the sun itself reminded me of how warm every smile he sent my way made me feel.

It can't just end like this, can it?

"You seem so deep in thought," Miguel comments and I'm snapped out of my zoned out state.

"Huh? Oh, I was just thinking. I have a lot going on is all," I explained and he leaned back in his seat.

"I get that, you've got what? Three children and a husband now?" He asked and I nodded, not really feeling the necessity to fix it. 

"Yeah, I'm still getting used to stepping away from them," I told him and he laughed.

"Ah, I have a wife and two children now, believe it or not. But I'm thankful for all these times I get away from them, work is like a vacation and I never want to come home. Of course, my wife is always complaining that I'm never home but I make all the money so why should her opinion matter? Am I right?" he elbows my side and I try to fake a smile even though he's so wrong.

There isn't a single moment that I'm breathing at work that I'm not thinking of Luca back at home with our babies. Sometimes I call him just to talk to him while I'm arranging the soundboard, even if it's just for five minutes, I always make time for him because I love that man so fucking much. 

Sure, Luca's a stay at home dad but fuck man, his opinion matters more to Thomas and I than anyone else's. 

And there goes my brain again, thinking about Luca has me squeezing my chest since it hurts so much to know maybe he doesn't love me back.

But the more I think about it, the more that seems to be impossible. 

I must be missing something. 

Fucking dumbass that I am. 

"So you married a woman?" I asked him to get the topic off his poor spouse and Miguel softens.

"Yeah, I can't...I couldn't go through with the gay singer thing you know. I've got a reputation to keep up. It's not as easy on this island as it is in America to live that lifestyle man." He says and I scratched the back of my head.

"Mmm whatever works for you man, I was just asking because...well you know why," I said with a small smile and he gulped as his light brown eyes fell upon mine, the sun from the window shining over them and although I couldn't read him, I knew there was a small hint of sadness.

He shifts a little bit closer to me, his breath just touching my ear so the driver can't hear us.

"No, mi amor, no te he olvidado," He whispers and chills run down my spine. But these chills were not the loving kind that only Luca or Thomas could give me. 

They were out of pure fear for what might happen next. 


So...I'll let y'all google translate that last sentence if you don't know Spanish. 

Don't mind the short chapters, I'm just trying to break it up for you guys since I gave y'all some long ass chapters in this book.

Honestly, I don't know what you guys like more? Short like this or long and dramatic? 

I always fear that making it too long will make readers quit.

I always fear that making it too long will make readers quit

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