Neighbors 17.

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"WHAT?!" I yelled. I felt Jai's arms start to hold me tighter.

There is no way I am kissing my boyfriends brother.

Just.....  NO!

"Come here babe!" Luke winked holding out his arms. I crawled further in to Jai's lap and held on to his neck. 

"No."  I said hiding my face in his chest.

"A dare is a dare Sammy." Beau said then picked me up like I weighed nothing. I felt Jai's hand slip out of mine and then I was being carried across the room by Beau.

"I DON'T WANNA!" I screamed but Beau put me down on Luke's lap anyway.

"Wow, you really are as light as a feather." I groaned and rolled my eyes at him. Then before I knew it Luke crashed his lips against mine. At first I didn't do anything then I closed my eyes and kissed back for a few seconds. There were no sparks at all. Not that I expected any.

"Alright that's enough!" Then I felt Jai's arms lift me up and he carried me back to where we were sitting.

"Never again." I said only so Jai could hear. He looked down at me and kissed my forehead.

"Don't worry, I wont let that happen." He winked. I smiled and kissed his lips softly.

There are the sparks! 

"JUST GET MARRIED ALREADY!!"  Beau screamed making us all jump.. again.

"JESUS! Stop doing that!!" April said hitting Beau in the head, he laughed and started hitting her back. Playfully of course. 

Aw, they would make a great couple.

"Then what do you wanna do?!" She yelled in between laughs. Beau sat up and thought for a second.

"Watch another movie?"

"A horror movie!!" Beaus face lit up when she said that. I defiantly see some sparks going on over there.

"Paranormal Activity?" He asked and she nodded getting of off him and running to the sofa. He put the dvd in then went and sat next to April.

"Thank god those movies aren't as sick as Human centipede." I grinned at Jai.

"Shut up." He laughed, I smiled cheekily at him and he poked one of my dimples.

"Stop it, I hate my dimples." I pouted and pushed away his hand.

"To bad cause I love them."  I felt myself blushing and tried to hide it by looking down at the floor, then I Jai's hand crept under my chin and lifted my head up slowly.

"You're beautiful." He whispered then leaned in, I felt his lips touch mine and its always amazing even though I've touched them many times before, it always felt so new and so.. well yeah, amazing.

We all fell asleep in the living room three movies later. When I woke up my head was resting on Jai's chest and I was holding his hand. I didn't move, I saw everyone sleeping in front of me. James and Jenny together of course then I saw April and Beau holding hands. I smiled to myself. Jai started moving a little and I looked up to see him already looking down at me.

"Morning." I smiled.

"Morning, wanna get some breakfast?" He asked, I nodded and we stood up quietly and walked to the kitchen. We both jumped about a mile in the air when we saw Justin sitting there eating Coco Puffs.

"When did you get here?!" I asked sitting down.

"Last night, you were all asleep though. And oh, I finished all the Coco Puffs."  He said with his mouth full.

Neighbors. (Jai Brooks fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now