Neighbors 10.

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I woke up the next day on the couch and Justin sleeping on the floor. We had both fallen asleep watching How I Met Your Mother last night. I sat up and the events of last night flashed in front of my eyes. 

Alison kissing Jai. 

Jai kissing Alison. 

I wanted to scream just by thinking about it. Even tho we weren't exactly dating but I still cared for him, and he led me on and then just dumped me just like that! I wasn't really sad anymore, I was mad!

I wanted to go and give that son of a female dog a piece of my mind! 

I went upstairs and took a quick shower. I put on some grey skinny jeans and a blue hoodie cause it didn't seem to be that warm outside. I put my hair up in a pony tail and grabbed my white converse and got downstairs.  Justin was already up and was talking on the phone.

"Yeah sure, i'll just ask her now. Okay, bye." Then he hung up and looked at me.


"Can you please help out at the cafe today? I know you had a hard day yesterday but it would really mean a lot?" He begged me with puppy eyes. My brother had gotten a job at the cafe in the park I went to the day after we got here and he actually liked it.

"Ugh, I really just wanted to stay home today Justin.." I groaned sitting down on the couch. 

"Come on please? Its just for two hours." He was now down on his knees, just like Jai was last night after i drove off.

No, no! Bad Sam! Don't think about that douche!

"Fine, when?" I gave in and he jumped at me giving me a huge bear hug. 

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh, and we have to leave in 20 minutes." 

"Okay, let me just get my phone." I stood up and jogged upstairs. 

"Ugh, where is he?" I muttered to myself. I can't lose my phone, I just can't. 

"Ah, there he is." I ran to the window were my phone was laying and felt like someone was watching me. I looked up slowly and saw Jai in his room, sitting by the window. His eyes were red and his face was so pale. When he saw that I had noticed him he opened the window, waiting for me to do the same. 

Maybe I should hear him out. 

No, he broke your heart! He dosen't care about you.

But he looks like he has bin crying, you don't cry about someone you don't care about?

How do you know he was crying about you? 

I don't.

Right, now stop having a conversation with yourself and get downstairs.

I backed away from the window slowly, not taking my eyes off him. He was still in the same position and looked so hurt. I stopped and started thinking if I should hear his side of the story. It was only fair right? I started walking back towards the window and had opened it half way..

"SAM! WE'RE GOING NOW!" Justin yelled from downstairs. I looked down at the ground then back at Jai. He had tears in his eyes, I just wanted to run over to him and hug the life out of him. 

"Sam, I'm sorry.." His voice was so weak and broken. I felt a tear go down my cheek, I quickly wiped it away but Jai already saw it.

"Please don't cry.." I could barley hear him talk, his voice was so so weak.

Then I started to feel angry. The image of him and Alison last night burned holes in my eyes and it started to hurt me even more. 

"I thought you felt the same way, you should've just told me that you didn't, instead of leading me on, making me think you did then just dump me!"  My voice was cracking and more tears started to form in my eyes.

Neighbors. (Jai Brooks fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now