Neighbors 29.

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"No! I'm not going!! Not now, Jai could be seriously sick! I'm not leaving him!" I half shouted at my brother.

Why the hell do my parents want me to come to New York?

What are they even doing there?

I thought they were traveling around Australia?

I had so many questions on my mind.

"Sam, you have to go. Mom and dad said they wanted us there, I can't leave you." He said calmer than I was. He obviously wanted to go see his girlfriend more then anything so he didn't have any problem with going.

"Bu-but I want to stay with Jai, I could just sleep at Jenny's or April's house. Their parents love me, please Justin. I don't want to leave Jai unless I'm 100% sure hes alright." I lowered my voice, I could feel my heart almost skipping a beat. Leaving Jai was the worst thing I could do right now.

"I thought he was coming around? Didn't you guys take him to the doctors the other day?" 

"If you think screaming in pain and not eating anything is coming around then sure hes fine." I said sarcastically. He sighed and looked down at the ground. I knew how much he wanted to go, and I also know that he couldn't leave me behind.

"You just don't understand.." I whispered.  I began to realize how scared I was for Jai. All this time I thought it was just a flue and didn't worry that much, but if it was just a flue he wouldn't be hurting so much. I felt my eyes water up by the thought of all this.

"Its only 3 weeks.."  He walked up to me and hugged me. I finally gave in and let the tears go down my cheek. 

"3 weeks too many.."  

"I'm sure he'll be alright, hes got his mom and his brothers and his friends, hes in good hands." I know he was only trying to make me feel better, but it still made me so mad. No one can force me to do anything, and no one can force me to leave my boyfriend.

"Whe-when do we leave?" My voice was shaking for some reason which made Justin hold me tighter.

"Two days." I ripped myself out of his arms and stepped back.

"Two days?! Why so early?!"  I started to shout again.

What the hell is wrong with my parents?!

"I don't know, they have already bought the plane tickets we can't back out now." I didn't know what to say. Leaving my sick boyfriend for three weeks and I don't even know why I was going was not on my to do list for today. I took up my phone and dialed my parents number. 

After about half an hour argument with my parents on my phone I decided there was nothing I could do. I HAD to go to New York and they wouldn't even tell my why! I was on my way to Jai's house, I had to tell him. I got out of Justin's car and took a deep breath before I opened the door. I saw Beau and April asleep in front of the tv. I smiled at how cute they were then walked upstairs. I slowly opened the door and I could see a really pale and tired looking Jai just staring at the ceiling.

"Sam? You're here finally." He smiled. He still maneged to look so damn good even though he was sick as hell. I gave him a little smile and made my way to to his bed and gave him a little kiss on the forehead.

"Yeah I'm here, have eaten something?" I asked him and ran my fingers through his soft hair.

"Uh, I had some cheerios." That guys is gonna end up skinny as hell.

Neighbors. (Jai Brooks fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now