Neighbors 39.

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"Don't go anywhere." 

"Jai Brooks?" 

"Never will."  

"Mr.Brooks?" I snapped back into reality and looked up at the nurse standing over me. I stood up and waited for her to tell me some more news about Sam. That last moment before that car hit her side of her car was maybe the last time I ever got to see that beautiful smile of hers, and her brown eyes sparkling while she laughed. 

"I'm afraid theres nothing we can do now but wait. Shes incredibly lucky, we're shocked that she made it up to the hospital, that car was going so fast. I'm sure shes gonna be alright." She forced on a smile then walked away, leaving me not knowing what to do. Lucky? Shes in a god damn coma!!

"Wait! Wha-what do you mean by wait? Shes gonna be alright, right?" But she was already making her way into another room. I ran my hands trough my hair and walked around in circles. Shes gonna be alright, she has to. They didn't even allow me to see her yet, I need to see her! Its been two hours and half hours of running after doctors trying to get some information but everyone were rushing too much. My phone had been ringing all night, I just couldn't focus right now. I saw from the corner of my eye the same nice nurse that had been here when I got sick. She gave me a small smile then walked up to me giving me a warm hug.

"Shes gonna be alright, shes gonna be walking out of here in no time." She whispered. I hugged her back tightly and tried not to cry.

"C-can I see her?" I pulled away slowly. She looked back at me and sighed.

"They were just finishing the surgery on her leg, its really badly broken. But I'll let you know as soon as you can see her alright?" I nodded and sat back down in one of the chairs here in the waiting room.

"Why don't you call someone? So you don't have to wait all alone." Then I remembered Justin, and her parents. They still had no idea that their daughter is fighting for her life. I watched as the nice nurse walked away then picked up my phone. 13 missed calls and 6 texts.

From: Beauu: where are you guys? did you go to nz to get something to eat?! 

From: Luke: omg heard there was a car accident here near by!! please tell you guys are ok!? 

From: Luke: really freakin me out here bro!! where are you!? 

From: Daniel: pick up your phoneeee!!!!

I decided to call the guys first so they could be here with me when I tell her family. I just started ringing Luke's phone when I heard some whispering and some heels clicking behind me. I turned around and there were Alison, Danielle and Alex all covered in some bruises and cuts. I hanged up the phone and  looked at them for a while, til Alison noticed me and turned to the other guys and a doctor who was walking with them. What could've happened to them? I saw them all look at me and slowly make their way over.

"What happened to you?" I asked them and looked them up and down. Their clothes were ripped and dirty and I noticed that Alex's nose was messed up and red.

"Jai are-are you joking?" Alison asked shocked.

"You don't remember what happened a couple of hours ago?" I shook my head as they all looked at each other with a nervous look on their faces. Alex shook his head at the girls until Danielle sighed and cleared her throat.

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