Chapter Twenty Eight - Break

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Perry's POV

I watch the entire encounter. Vivian was wrapped in some guys arms, Ryder pushes him away. The two stare at each other menacingly, Vivian reaches for the guy, but Ryder restrains her. Finally, the guy smiles at Vivian and walks away. Vivian says a few things to Ryder that make him open and close his mouth, looking like an idiot. Then she saunters away, Ryder is still gawking.

I walk up to Ryder a minute later, regarding him warily. He is worse than I am with ladies, and he's supposed to be a player. Around Vivian, he's more impulsive, I've noticed. He explodes with emotion, whether that's a good thing or not, I'm unsure. She makes him want to try harder, and he obviously drives her to the point of drinking. I haven't seen anything good come from this relationship, however, once Ryder gets his head out of his ass, maybe he will learn how to treat her.

I follow him to the bar and watch him down drink after drink before finally addressing me. He's already drunk after the vodka and beers. This is bound to have a bad fallout.

"I fucked everything up," Ryder groans. "You wanna know what she told me?"

He has crazy eyes, the kind that make you want to slowly back away. He reminds me of a crazed animal that wants to pounce. Instead of following my flight instincts, I respond cautiously. "What did she say?"

"That she's going to be happy without me," Ryder throws his hands in the air and laughs hysterically. "That I'm the problem, not the fact that she killed two people! Can you believe that? Total bullshit. She thinks that she's so poised and proper, yet here she is getting drunk with some strangers she's planning on sleeping with. I wonder how many people she's slept with.."

Ryder starts laughing again, I try to warn him to stop talking, but he continues to dig his own grave. "I bet one hundred dollars she has AIDs. I'm glad I didn't sleep with her, it wouldn't be worth it, especially if I contracted her filth. If I had known that she were such a slut, I wouldn't have ever fallen for her."

I just sigh and point behind Ryder once he finished his rant. It's slow motion, Ryder turns around and Vivian slaps him across the face. I see no tears in her eyes, just hatred.

"What the hell, Vivian?" Ryder roars. Now we attracting a lot of attention from the bar that is far more like a club. People are whispering and pointing at us. I pull Ryder and Vivian by the arm and walk us outside. They both put up a fight, but finally concede.

"You had no right to slap me! Damien may have drilled into your twisted brain that abuse is okay, but I assure you, it's not," Ryder spits.

Vivian just stares at Ryder with sad, wary eyes. It's almost calming to watch the way in which she's handling this. Such poise, he was wrong, Tessa was wrong, Charlotte was wrong. There is no way Vivian is any of the things they accused.

"Ryder," Vivian frowns. "You know, I really don't know what happened between us. We were friends, more than friends in a moment. A moment that I never wanted to end. But everything ends, and I have to accept that. You and I are a dangerous combination. Danger is fun and exhilarating at times, but it is also painful and damaging. I don't know what causes you to be so spiteful and hatful to me, but I am not going to wonder anymore. Maybe I didn't love you the right way, or I wasn't enough for you."

Vivian rubs her temples as if she's having a brain freeze. Ryder moves forward to touch her arm, but she flinches away. His fingers move to tilt up her chin.

"You're right," Ryder whispers so quietly, I have to strain my ears to eavesdrop. Vivian steps away from his grasp, ripping her arm from his grip forcefully. The tears have finally begun to fall onto her checks. A look of pure hatred resides in her eyes, I am afraid of her.

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