Chapter Thirty One - Invalid

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Ryder's POV

"You what?" Perry exclaims.

"I made out with Charlotte, told her I 'loved' her and gave her the bear I won for Vivian, in front of Vivian," I count off the events on my fingers, letting my utter foolishness seep in. What the actual fuck is wrong with me?

"Why the hell-"

"I don't know, okay!" I rub my hand over my face, trying to rake out an idea. "Something comes over me, I have an undeniable need to hurt her. Perhaps it's for making me vulnerable, I blame her for breaking through my hard shell. She's the reason I have all these feelings. I don't want them, all they can do is hurt me."

"You're the one who's letting those feelings hurt you," Perry points out. "She hasn't done anything so far to deserve the shit you give her. Frankly, I am surprised she ever fell for such an ass."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," I snap. We are waiting for the cab Perry called. Since Vivian was our ride here, we were stranded when I decided to stomp on her heart. What if she doesn't forgive me? No, that's unrealistic, she can't resist me. She's as addicted to me as I am her. Girls can't keep their hands off me, my charm puts a spell on all the girls. Except Faye, of course.

"Ryder, you don't deserve her. I can't honestly, in good conscious, allow you to hurt her again. I feel like we've had this exact conversation too many times already. You two aren't even dating, and you already fight like a married couple. The apology might have worked the first few times you were a dick, but I'm not sure she will forgive each time you are so inconsiderate. If you want Vivian, completely, exclusively, and monogamously, you need to break things off with Charlotte."

I sigh at his words, knowing deep down that there's truth to them. I can't go to jail, though. Not for the simplicity of not being aware of her being a minor. My family has money, lots of it, but I can't imagine my parents using their connections to save my ungrateful ass. They would rather see me locked away, in a scary, solemn place that forces me to ponder my wrongdoings. Ignorance, arrogance, revenge, love...

"I could go to jail for sleeping with Charlotte. She's a minor-"

"I know about her blackmailing. I say you call her bluff," Perry frowns, a look of humor springs into his face. "She won't press charges, I can guarantee she won't."

"Really, how?" I roll my eyes at his false confidence.

"Charlotte's parents are the epitome of religious in their church. Do you really think she would jeopardize her relationship with her parents for you? They make major, I mean hundreds of thousands of dollars, donations to the church. They basically own it, for all intents and purposes. If this scandal reached the public, or the church, her entire family would be blacklisted. There's a possibility Charlotte could be casted out from her family. Didn't you know having sex out of wedlock is a sin?" Perry is smiling now, a smirk is starting to spread to my lips.

The cab finally pulls up, I know exactly where I am going. Vivian's to declare my love, do anything I can to win her back and never let her go again.


"Please," I plead the furious red headed girl who refuses to let me into her house. "Let me explain."

"Are you insane? Do you really think an apology will work? Maybe I was wrong, I had thought I actually meant something to you. That I was significant to you in a way no other girl was. Turns out, she is. Charlotte LaForce is your girlfriend, she's the one who has claim to you. I am simply another stupid girl who has fallen for your charm," Vivian frowns and bites her lip. I know that's a tell for when she feels like crying.

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