Chapter Three - Goodbye

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I wake up in my own bed. It is silent in the house, so eerily silent and I begin to wonder who died. That's the only explanation, because in all the years I have lived here, there has always been music playing, Penelope hates the somberness of quiet. The only time it was ever quiet was when Rosalie died and when Penelope found her husband, Harrison, cheating on her in their bedroom. It was silent for weeks after. So, since her Harrison doesn't live here anymore, someone must've died. I just hope to god it wasn't Ollie.

"You're awake," a voice exclaims in relief. I look to the owner of the voice since I do not recognize it well. I see a guy, an acceptably attractive guy with wavy blonde hair and tan skin, sitting on my couch. Yes, I have a couch in my room because Penelope insisted I spend as much time in my room as possible, especially when she had guests over. God forbid anyone thought she was my mother.

"Landon?" I question, hoping I got the name correct to save myself any embarrassment. He smiles, so I must've gotten it right.

"I should go tell your brother that you're awake," he stands from the couch and moves toward the open door.

"Wait," I stop him and he turns around. "What happened? Why does my neck hurt so much when I talk?" I croak out.

"I think it would be better coming from your brother, or someone who isn't a stranger to you," he gives me a sympathetic smile and walks out the door in search of Ollie.

I look around my large room, everything appear to be the same. I pull my phone off the nightstand and unlock it. Today is the seventeenth of January, a Thursday. Last I remember it was Monday and I was hanging out with Bennett at the diner... Then I went outside to kiss... to kiss Landon, but something happened...

"Viv," Ollie greets me with a smile. Landon follows Ollie into my room and reclaims his seat on my couch while Oliver takes a seat on my bed and takes my small hand in his.

"I'm," I rub my throat and try to speak again. "I'm trying to piece everything together but... Ollie what happened?"

"Damien found you and Landon here," Ollie gestures to Landon. "In a compromising position and got angry. He attacked the two of you, knocking out Landon first, then going after you. I'm not sure exactly what he did to you, since you were the only witness, but I can imagine he choked and punched you."

"But he didn't..."

"I can't be sure if he did or not," Ollie frowns and looks at my hand. He takes a big breath of air and looks into my eyes once again. He looks so helpless. "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you, once again I let him hurt you in ways..."

"Oliver, there's nothing you could've done," I assure him and fight the tears that are forming in my eyes.

My brother slowly nods his head and kisses my forehead. "I'm just so grateful you're alive without any permanent damage, you can thank your friend Landon here for that."

I mouth the words thank you to my savior and he nods his head with a benevolent smile. "It was nothing, I couldn't let him hurt you."

"Did he... did he get away?"

Neither of the men will look at me directly. He did, I gather from their reaction. Of course he did, my life wouldn't be mine if I were safe and happy.

"I'm sorry, Vivian, I couldn't get you away from him and watch him. I brought you in to the diner and gave you to your friend Bennett. When I got back outside, he was gone. I thought I knocked him unconscious, but he must have a thicker skull than I anticipated." Landon apologizes from the couch.

"You saved my life, and I am eternally grateful to you for that," I give him a small smile. While it's true that I'm grateful, I can't help but be disappointed and frightened that Damien escaped.

"The cops put out an APB for him," Ollie informs me. "According to the correctional officer that spent the past six months with Damien, he was remorseful for everything he did to you. He was on track for getting released early, so when he turned eighteen a week ago..."

"Shouldn't they have told us? I mean, that man has done horrifyingly terrible things to me, and those dumbass cops didn't think to tell us he was being released? Shouldn't they have asked me if I was comfortable with his release?" I fume, this whole story is bullshit.

"They called Penelope, she only told me three days ago when she also told me she booked you a flight to Florida tomorrow actually. I was going to tell you, I just didn't know how to break the news, about your moving or the fact that your nightmare is real again. It's not exactly something you bring up over breakfast. About Damien, you know his father was a very well respected detective before he died. And Damien's cousin was promoted two months ago, they must've worked something out with the judge. The whole police force was probably rooting for him, especially since the evidence used to convict him was only your word against his..."

I stare at my brother as though he has grown ten heads. I notice that Landon has excused himself from my bedroom, I'm not sure how much of my brother's bullshit he heard.

"You don't believe me?" I squint my eyes and speak with disbelief.

"No, of course I believe you, Vivian. I just wonder sometimes if you embellished the truth some to make him seem more guilty than he deserved," Ollie looks everywhere but my eyes because he knows exactly what his words will do. He thinks that if he is an asshole and offends me impressively that I will flee to Florida the first second I can.

"Why are you doing this, Ollie?"

"You need to leave, Vivian, as soon as possible." He takes my hand but I recoil at his touch.

"Being a rude asshole isn't going to make me leave quicker," Ollie nods his head slowly and sighs. "I want to leave, though. I need to get as far away from Damien as fast as possible."

"I'm sorry Viv, for everything. I love you," he takes my hand again, this time I don't flinch.

"I love you too, Ollie. And I'll miss you," I whisper to the brother who has always stuck by my side, through thick and thin.

"I'll visit once this Damien shit is over, okay? I promise this isn't the last you'll see of me, I'm gonna annoy you forever," Ollie laughs and muddles up my hair.

"I hope you can keep that promise," I hug my brother for what feels like the last time.

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