Chapter Eleven - The Decision

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Chapter Eleven - The Decision

"Vivian, I am truly ashamed. Did you really think I would let you leave me that easily? I love you! I won't let go. I'll never let you go." Damien screams at me.

I am running. Running from Damien. I know he is going to catch me, he always does. The dream continues, he grabs me by my waist and hauls me back into my room. He throws me onto the bed forcefully and I scream out for help.

He hushes me by putting his mouth forcefully on mine. I still try to scream, each yelp receiving a bite on my lip. He wouldn't stop. I cried, the tears streamed down my face and Damien stopped to wipe them away.

"You stupid girl. Don't you know that tears show weakness? Haven't I taught you better? It pains me that you can't handle this. Imagine how ashamed Rosalie would be of you. I'm sure she didn't show weakness when her boyfriend murdered her. Yet you cry out when I try to show you how much I love you. It's so selfish of you." Damien scolds me. I cry harder when he mentions my sister.

He continues kissing me and I give up after a while. Damien is too strong to hold off. I couldn't keep him off of me forever...

"Wake up! Vivian wake up! You're okay. You're safe, I promise." A voice saves me from the hell of my nightmare. I scream after the horror is gone. The tears follow shortly after. A comforting voice hums soothingly. I snuggle into the strong arms protecting me.

After a while of crying and calming hushes, I realize who is comforting me. Ryder. Did he stay the night?

I looked at his beautiful face, and all the anger I could have held against him for staying disappeared. He was here for me, comforted me and pulled me from the dark grasp Damien has on me.

I let myself start to fall asleep again, after realizing it was midnight. I had fallen asleep around four in the afternoon, so I wondered why Ryder would still be here. It's not as if he fell asleep then too.


I had forgotten about her. I opened my eyes to ask him about her well being but he shook his head. I gave him a puzzled look before I rested my head on my pillow and drifted to dreamland.


The alarm on my phone goes off. I hear a grunt from beside me. Ryder is still in my bed. How pleasant. I realize the intimate position we are in and I blush. My head was resting on his chest, like he was my personal pillow. His arms are wrapped around me securely. I can't help but feel completely safe and comfortable with him, which is rare for me. I have only felt this safe around Bennett. And my brother of course, but he doesn't count.

"Hey, sleepy head. I hope you had pleasant dreams." Ryder yawns and stretches. I escape from his embrace and move to the door. He grabs my hand before I can move far enough away. I glance back at him reluctantly.

"About last night--" He begins.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I say coldly. As much as I wanted Ryder's company and protection, I needed to keep him safe from Damien.

"Viv- last night you were so scared and I-" He looks at me, obviously confused. I can see the gears turning in his head.

"It was nothing, Ryder." I say with confidence. I turn away from him and walk to my bathroom. First day of school today.

"Wait, aren't we gonna shower together? I mean after last night- it's the least you could do." He says seductively. I flip him off and he laughs at my response.

"I'll take that as a 'no'." He pouts and I throw a pillow at him. Before he can attack me, I run into the bathroom and lock the door. He pounds on it dramatically until he finally concedes.

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