Chapter Forty One - Hero

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Ribs by Lorde
Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran
Outro by M83
Wait by M83
Red Lighter by SoMo
Fireflies by Ron Pope

Ryder's POV

I walk through the front door with an enlightened attitude. Vivian Parker is the love of my life, and I will do everything in my power to ensure her or that fact. There is nothing I will not do for her, all the games and betrayal is in the past. Everything that kept us apart is gone, and I love her. I've never said the words before and truly meant it. I've said the three words and eight letters to my parents, every child does. It was a mistake though, because those words were meant for her ears, and her ears only.

"Vivian?" I call into the house. I hear her call back.

"Ryder," she walks into the room with a smile. She's wearing a dress, a stunning black dress. Her hair is curled in an elegant way, her eyes perfection. The dark circles magically disappeared, and the frown has disappeared. Her lips are a delicious pink color. I lick my own, and she gives me a wide smile.

"I made us some dinner," she places her hands on my chest and I kiss her cheek affectionately. Her high heels help with the height difference.

"Great, I'm famished," I laugh and wrap my arm around her as she guides me into the decorated kitchen and dining room that we never eat in. "Oh, you didn't have to do all this for me."

"I wanted to," she smiles and gestures for me to take a seat. I look around the room, there are strands of white lights dangling like icicles. The double doors to the porch leading to the ocean are wide open. The table is decorated with a white table cloth, pink flowers, and silver candles. I must admit, the whole setup is a bit too feminine for my personal preference, but I would never tell Vivian that. She put so much work into this.

"Okay, not a traditional date night meal, but I made some of your favorite foods: chicken wings, ribs, burgers, sandwiches, pizza... I actually went a little overboard, I just wanted it to be perfect," she rambles.

I stand from my seat and follow her into the kitchen. My jaw drops open and Vivian covers her face with her hands.

"I'm sorry, I knew it was too much - I just wanted tonight to be perfect, given the way I've been lately, you deserve-"

"Vivian," I take her hands in mine and look her in the eye. "This is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. I find your embarrassment adorable, because it shows your affection for me in a way no perfect date could."

She bites her lip. "I've taken girls on dates before, and those girls acted profoundly perfect. They were the Barbie dolls that I thought I wanted, and for a while it was satisfying enough. That was before I met you. You don't need to act perfect, I know you aren't, no one is, I'm just grateful you aren't pretending to be. This is absolutely the best date I've ever been on."

"I'm glad you're saying that," Vivian places her small hand on my cheek. "Because you're the best decision I've ever made."

Her lips press against mine and feel the intensity. We haven't kissed much this past week, she's kept herself distant from me. I thought I was losing her, that she couldn't see past my unfortunate slip up with Charlotte.

"I love you," I whisper and lift her onto the already crowded countertop. She breaks away from the kiss to move some of the dishes around. I feverishly kiss her neck while she tries to ignore my love bites.

"Ryder," she sighs. "As much as I would love to continue this, there's something I need to tell you."

"No," I groan and move my lips up to her plush lips again. She narrows her eyes, but doesn't argue. "Whatever it is, it can wait. I need you, I need you now."

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