Alone in this world

15 1 0

I just want to be normal.
Some people say normal is what you think is normal.
But what if anything doesn't feel normal.

What if it feels like I stand out from the rest of the world.
What if I can't feel like anybody else.
What if I will always be alone in this world and can't find anybody who is like me.

I sometimes ask the moon what I did wrong to deserve this kind of feelings.
That I feel alone and empty.
Then I am blaming myself that I need to change to not feel alone anymore and outstanding from the world.

But I have changed to many times and I am tired of the bullshit it got me into.
So I am just going to be myself and see if there are people who still like me if I am myself and not the person I tried to be.

Then again I will be lonely,
Because I stand out from the other people on this planet.

All alone....

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