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After that resolution, we fell asleep sitting next to each other. I don't know  how it happened. One minute we were talking about what to do next, and suddenly our bodies went limp and the world drifted away into the solace of a peaceful dream of grazing the sand with Peridot. I guess after all the drama, we subconsciously decided that we needed some serenity. It was finally as if nothing mattered anymore except for her and me.

Our Paradise was interrupted by the sound  of giggling. I slowly inch my face up, as to not wake Peri up, and rolled my eyes at what I saw. It was those Crystal gems stalking us again. I motioned for them to leave, but I don't think they took the hint. The Ste-Ven thing walked up to me again and gave me this weird look. He then proceed to say, "You love her~!". I rolled my eyes so hard I thought they would pop out.

I irritatingly replied whisper shouting, "Of course I do! I'm not  and idiot!  Don't tell me what I already know! Now Please go away!" As he began to comply, Peridot started to wake up. I gave them all a wicked glare for interrupting not only mine, but our peaceful rest!

Now that everyone was awake, they apparently decided to talk louder now, which especially annoyed me, as I just wanted to go back to sleep. "Come on Peri," I began, "let's go somewhere quieter. We both stood up and, to their dismay, walked off. We sat down once again and she softly spoke, "G/N, I'm  glad I met you." I stared at her with such contentment, I wished that moment would never end. We concluded the moment with a warm embrace and without us even noticing our bodies began to glow and flow into one another (stop that dirty mind). We became F/N once again.

I soon heard Peridot shriek through the fusion. "Gah! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"

I cut her off as I began to say, "It's ok. We are ok." We never really got to take a good look at ourselves properly before, as the tension was extremely high at that moment. I looked down at my hands and my increases stature. I didn't feel like I was alone anymore.

We were quickly startled by those Crystal gems again when one of them yelled, "We found you!" They sounded like they were gonna say something else, but it was appropriately ceased by the sight of our fusion. They startled us so bad, probably because of the serene silence that led up to it, that we fell out of our fusion. Unfortunately, again, I fell onto my gem and cracked it. Why does this always happen to me? I immediately hid my g/p so no one would notice and worry. I don't need nor want anyone worrying about me. I don't need to be the cause for distress for some innocent person who never wanted the burden. 

"Yes" I lied when they asked us if we were ok. The rest of the day went on as usual, except the crack in my gem got progressively worse throughout the day.

"G/N?" Peridot asked concernedly.

"Yes, Peri?" I asked putting all my energy into keeping eye contact, as my vision was blurring and I was getting dizzy. A piercing ringing in my head also plagued me.

"Are you ok?"

"I"m f.. Fi-" I began to say as my whole world view began to fade to darkness.

"G/N? G/N!" I faintly heard her screech with desperation.

Dark. Dark. Darker. Suddenly, all my pain had went away, though I seemed to be in some sort of black void. Was I in my gem? What happened. before I had another minute to ponder, I saw a blinding light not too far away. I instinctively swam towards it, a decision that I was very soon going to deeply regret.

The light consumed me whole, and with it came unimaginable pain. Not just physical pain, but emotional as well. In that single second I relived all of my worst memories. Every time I let someone down, every failure, ever heartbreak, etc. I was so angry at the pain. I wanted it to stop.

This overwhelming guilt loomed over me until I felt nothing but anger. All of the sudden, my vision came back, but it was not a pretty sight. I saw all of the crystal gems comforting Peridot, who was crying. Their expressions all suddenly became horrified.

"She's... She's corrupted!" I heard one of them say. I went after the crystal gems, they were stealing Peridot form me. My anger clouded my judgment and destroyed any happy thoughts. They are there for her cause I wasn't! That sadness and guilt swiftly translated into rage. I wasn't me. I was a monster.

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