The Break Out

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"Well... um-" Peridot stuttered.

"Peridot! What are you doing! You need to drive the ship!" The Jasper that captured me yelled.

"Uh.. Y-yes! Um... Bye!"

After you land----

"Okay, you brat! Your going to yellow diamond-" Jasper said. She then continued to pick me up. I struggled and tried to escape, but it was no use. I was no match for the strength of a full fledged Jasper. 

"No!!!" I screamed. If I got sent to yellow diamond then she'll have me... Shattered.  was lost in the horrible thoughts of shattering when I was interrupted. 

"Jasper! We have to um... uh... Put her back on the ship!

It was that Peridot! Why is she here! Why do I have to go back on the ship! Why- Wait a minute. Is she, stuttering again? Is she trying to help me? N-No! She couldn't be! Peridot's are made to fly ships and fix things! Not to save rebellious gems! If she try's to save me... We will both be shattered...

"Why? Why do we need to put this rebel back on the ship. We are suppose to take her to yellow diamond!" The jasper yelled.

"Y-Yes but-"

"WHY ARE YOU STUTTERING!" The Jasper yelled, obviously frighting the Peridot.

The Peridot took a deep breath and said, "I just got notice from a sapphire that the Diamonds will be busy and unavailable during the time of the shattering.

"The Jasper looked at her suspiciously and said "Really. If that is true, then where are they going?"

"To Pink diamonds old base of course" The Peridot just barely got out. I have never seen a Peridot sweat so much. Or blush this much either.

After like 30 seconds of staring, The jasper finally let out, "Hmm..... Ok, fine. If you say so"

So we went back onto the ship and the Jasper simply threw me back into the sell, which hurt really bad by the way, and walked away.

"Psst! Psst! You are a G/N right!" A voice said.

"Y-Yeah" I said nervously, and for some reason... I was blushing.

The Peridot then continued, "Yeah I thought so, so I want to... I want too..." it was almost like she was afraid to say it.

"I want to help you out"

"WHAT!" I said in a whisper yell, sure the Jasper was become suspicious if she heard me.

"I know it's risky, but... but.." She darted her eyes, as if looking for something, but couldn't find it.

"You know what," She started as she turned off the force field, just come with me."

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