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I woke up to my phone vibrating in my jeans.

"Heyyyy jas"

"Uhm what do you want mike"

"Wow good morning to you too"

"Dude its like 5am. I have no necessity to be awake at the moment so get to the point"

"Oh haha time difference sorry"

I mocked his laugh, "whatd you want?"

"I just wanted to know what my little sister was up to this fine morning"

"Uhm sleep, goodbye, call me in like 4 hours"


*phone call ends*

That was mike, my overly excited brother who lives in a different time zone. So he's happily awake at 8 when im groggily at 5:).

He left out of state for college and i stayed here in LA.

I couldn't fall back asleep which i think had something to do with the fact that i was on the couch. Which i really didn't know why. But then again i never remember going to the bed last night.

I got up to make a cup of hot flavored water. Also known as tea. It sounds weird but i don't like coffee.

But we were out.

Shawn starts lightly snoring which i find adorable. I watched him sleep for a while. As weird as that sounds but he just looks so beautiful.

He randomly starts coughing and just assumed it was for sleeping with his mouth open but then he closes it and tries to breath in through his nose but he cant because its clogged. Ok i should probably stop watching him sleep. I let out a chuckle and tossed on sweats, chanclas, and one of his sweaters.

Good thing that it was barley like 5:30 because if it was like 7 some fans would already be outside. They always ask questions even if its just me.

Like 5 minutes later i got to the small convenience store on the corner. I came on what i call a mini grocery run. I got oranges, ice cream, life savers, 2 types of tea, liquid medicine, congestion relief. I also wanted to get something cool for later today so i got cake batter.

I had something cool planned but things change and that's okay. We make the best of what we have.

I also got some dog treats for juju. Since he's my baby.

I made it back to the hotel with ease even if it started raining like at 6. That's the bipolar weather of california. I swear it was sunny yesterday.

Shawn was like coughing his lungs out when i opened the door. But still asleep. I have no idea how he sleeps when he's sick. That's a mission for me.

I placed the bag on the counter top and put some water to boil on the stove at a very low heat.

I took off my sweater and opened the balcony door. I pushed a stool outside. I grabbed a simple guitar and went outside. I kept the curtains open but i closed the door so the rain wouldn't go in.

"All these pretty girls only wanna be the same tho

Saying that they love me but it only ends up painful,

you see it i see it,

that's why im loving you thats why im loving you

Your taking control of my head oh

Your different in ways that I like

When we layin down in the sand girl

The Stars never looking so bright

If you feel it too then just say so

I'll make you feel good tonight

I'll make you feel good tonight"-

I heard rustling inside and thought it was juju but no.

"Jas what the he-? Wha- why are you out here in the rain, sweaterless. You could get pneumonia or like hypothermia" shawn sighs, "cmon hurry get inside, your water is almost boiling anyway"

I uncrossed my legs from the criss cross i was sitting in and walked toward the door.

"Oh god jas YOU WERE BAREFOOT TOO?" shawn says before he starts coughing his deadly cough again. "Why *cough* are you even outside at 6 am."

"I was singing, and you were asleep"

"But babe it was raining, and how do you explain the no sweater or socks?"

"I love the rain, and i like how it feels"

"God you're so weird, bu-" shawn would've said something sweet if he wasn't interrupted by coughs.

I mixed in the sugar to the teas and walked over towards the medicine i bought. I served one of the little "shot glass" it had. And handed everything to shawn.

"Uhm thanks babe*cough cough*"

"Anything for you bubs" i said while giving him a kiss before changing into a dry shirt.

I brought my tea, the oranges and life savers to bed.

"Cmon shawn lets watch a movie"

"But didn't you make plans for us today jas?"

"Yeah i did but they got cancelled, so cmon"

"Is it because im sick, ill do them anyways, todays special, we can do whatever you want jas my cough can wait"

"Well yeah and no you're not. Plus its raining outside "you can get pneumonia"" i mocked him

We laughed.

"Who cares, we're doing what ever you want to do today so get up and uncancel our plans." he insisted.

"Well all its only our 6 month anniversary shawn, were obviously gonna have more, but the key idea is to spend time with each other, and since we're doing whatever i want your gonna hop in the bed, have a harry potter marathon with me, and get better, there's no way im gonna let you go out that sick into the rain"

"Hmm well played Rios, you win" he joked as he hopped in bed with me.

"I don't take L's Mendes"

I pushed play on the movie and started pealing an orange. I scooted closer to shawn and rested on his chest.

"Jas back up im gonna get you sick, and what's the orange for?"

"Fun fact that i never shared because it never came up, but its hard for me to get sick, so i can cuddle with you all i want" i chuckled, " and they're oranges good for your immune system, the fact that you didn't know that is probably why you're sick"

"Is that why you can sit outside sweaterless without a problem" he glared.

"Yup just like i said earlier Mendes, i dont take L's... Unlike someone" i joked. Saying the last part low enough for him to hear me but still pretend like he wasn't supposed to.

*smack* shawn smacked the back of my head lightly.

"I heard that jas, it hurt" he laughed.

"Don't be a sore looser, you poo"

We laughed. And spent the rest of the day joking around, taking dubs, him L's,and laughing.

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