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"Hey shawn wake up bubba" i shook shawn awake. It was now like 12 and he said he wanted to be out of his condo by 1:30

"Huhh" he groaned.

"Wake up my dude, its 12, and i made breakfast" i smiled.

He liked rolled around real fast and looked at the clock.

"Jas we still have to fix the account thingies and that takes hours, its too late" he stressed.

"Chillax babe i already did it, i thought you could use the hours of sleep after last night, how are you" i asked.

"Great now because i have an amazing girlfriend, who is so selfless and caring and responsible, when people ask me why i love you i tell them because you're you." he smiled.

I went down and kissed him.

"Eww morning breath" i joked as i made a face.

"Ohh shut up baby" shawn laughed.

"Okay put on clothes, brush your teeth and meet me for breakfast !"

"So how long did it take you to finish all 4 accounts" shawn asked as he sat down at the table.

I set out both plates of breakfast and brought out the gallon of orange juice.

"Only like 2 hours setting them up and they've been activating since"

"Honestly jas, i have no idea what i would do without you now, when im gone on tour and you have school im stressed out to the max, but you, you're calming, even though that's ironic because you're so hyper" shawn rambled.

"I love you too" i said loudly.

We finished eating breakfast and we got dressed to go.

"You actually look kinda pregnant in that" shawn told me when we Were chilling in the car.

"Well i am pregnant shawn" i laughed, "what'd you expect"

"No, i mean like sometimes you look normal because the clothes you have on is so baggy"

"Yeah they're usually your shirts"

We got off the car and shawn went towards the mall.

*shawns POV*

Me and jas walked in and headed towards armani. When we got closer jas said she was going to go shopping for a while.

"Ok call me if anything" i told her as i kissed her head and walked into the store.

The fans scream. I made my way to the chair to answer questions before we take pictures.

"Hey guys"

The fans screamed once again.

"How is everyone? Im gonna be answering a few questions before we take pictures. I hope you guys have a fun time"

I chose this one girl that had on a green coat.

"Did you bring jasmin with you"

"Yea, she is somewhere around the mall shopping, she said she'll drop by in a while"

The crowd coed.

I chose a girl in a fur coat.

"Is jasmin on tour with you like brian?" she asked.

"Actually no she isn't, she has a job and school so she only comes with me when she has a break, like she got these couple days off but she has to go back tonight."

I realized she hasn't even mentioned it. She must've forgotten.

I chose on a guy with a red sweatshirt.

"Well im here because my girlfriend loves you but she moved and i was just wondering, How do you and your girlfriend make it work over the distance because im kinda having trouble with mine."

I found it satisfying to have another guy here. Its usually just girls.

"Well the fact that you waited a long time for this shows you care a lot, and honestly all you have to do is show it. Both jasmin and i are very busy people so we cant text all the time but we make sure to get the good morning texts in to make sure we woke up and other major things like that. In the night after everything we facetime even if were busy or going to sleep. We face time tell each other every important thing that happened that day and just enjoy our presence as we do our own thing. I never fail to tell her i love her or how much i care. Its a must"

"Wow thanks, my girlfriend is on facetime right now actually" he laughed.

"Hey Guys girlfriend, he cares about you" i said as i looked into the phone.

The crowd laughed.

I chose another girl.

"A while ago in an interview you said you've never been in love. Has that changed now with jasmin?"

"Absolutely, in a heart beat, without a doubt, jasmin is the definition of love, i can picture myself with her for the rest of my life. I can imagine us old in a house and our children and grandchildren visiting every so often."

The crowd was in awe. Girls were crying other were clapping. I choose like 10 more questions. Most were about jasmin and I. Others were about new music.

In the middle of taking pictures and having conversations with fans i saw jasmin sitting on the chair where i was.

I pulled out my phone and texted her.

She turned to look at me after that text and did the pushing motion

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She turned to look at me after that text and did the pushing motion.

I laughed at her and continued.

Hours later jasmin and i were walking back into my condo.

"Cmon don't worry if you forget anything, ill be going over for the iHeartRadio awards in a few weeks anyways. Lets go grab some fast food"

After shoving several stuff in there and changing into sweats and my sweater. She turned to me and said "ready".

"You're such a small little smol bean, you're so adorable, you make me want to eat you, you belly is so small too and i can't wait for the baby because life is awesome and you're gonna be awesome and were both going to be awesome-"

"I love love love LOVE you too" she interrupted me, "but we have to go, im going to miss my flight"

"Now is that such a bad thing" i cooed

"Kinda bubs, gotta job i have to get back to in the morning" she said sadly.

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