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"WAKE UP PEOPLE, YALL ARE GONNA BE LATE"  Connor woke us up in the morning.  I rolled over and checked the time. It was 6 am.

"What do you mean late... It's 6?" I whispered thinking Jasmin was still asleep.

" Connor get the fuck out of the room, you woke me up at 6 in the goddamn morning... Who does that" jasmin grounded from the other side of the bed.

"Ok what's got your panties in a twist" Connor chuckled as he walked out.

"She's pregnant Connor anything gets her panties in a twist" i laughed.

"Gosh, what does a woman have to do to be able to sleep in. Go join Connor Shawn" Jasmin giggled.

"Actually  Shawn the tailor and the suits, and dresses are outside so we have to go try everything on to see if they need any last minute changes" Connor explained.

"You looked beyond beautiful" I whispered in jasmin's ear.

"And you're looking so fine it makes me want to give you my kids"

"Ohh I noticed" I said as I rubbed her bump. " Are you ready" i asked.

"What do you mean 'am I ready' are you ready? You're the one performing and nominated"

"Yeah but this is your first time Walking with me" I clarified.

"Well as long as I don't trip, say anything stupid, or end up a meme then I'm fine" she joked.

"well ready or not, here we go"

I shook nervously and calmed down when I realized all my close friends and my beautiful girlfriend were about to walk a red carpet with me.

Everyone else got out first because obviously they were closer to the door. I got out before Jasmin and held her hand as she got out.

We took pictures as a group as a couple and myself alone. Everything was going great. Jasmin went to the restroom and alessia went with her because for some reason girls go together every time. I arrived at my first interview.

"So it's Shawn Mendes ladies and gentlemen. We have like 3 big questions for you today. First we were wondering how you are. Mentally, physically, emotionally, truely. We've been seeing posts about you having a hard time recently?"

"Ohh yeah the past several days have been hard." I sighed, "it's been anxiety attack after attack after attack. My meds haven't been working so everything's just bleh, and my crew wants me to take a couple weeks off and just cancel or reschedule a few concerts but I'll never do that to the fans. But I get to spend time with Jasmin and my friends this weekend so today's better, I think that's good."

"Well we wish you the best, we love you, we support you, and we'll always be here for you - words from your fans. And talking about JASMIN is she here with you today? You both posted some very hinting pictures last night, is she pregnant?"

"Aww that's sweet I love you guys, and actually yeah she's walking back right now as we speak. Why don't you ask her yourselves" I replied.

"Hey babe I'm back" jasmin said as her and alessia walked back to the carpet from the restroom.

"That is a very beautiful dress" the interviewer told her.

"Thank you"

"Okay so Shawn told us to ask you... Are you pregnant. Both of you posted hinting pictures last night, then made dad jokes after watching the movie 'instructions not included' explain to us and the whole fandom"

"Aww Shawn you're making me answer questions" she turned and fake cried.

"Aww she's so nervous" the interviewer coed.

"Okay I'll answer instead, but you're answering at the next interview" I bargained, "yes she is, I'ma be a dad"

I did a little happy dance. And at the corner of my eye I saw Jasmin chuckle and shake her head.

"Okay thank you guys for your time, hope you kill it on stage today Shawn, and take home all those awards ! "

"the pleasure is mine, bye guys"

We continued Walking we took a couple of pictures and I kinda stepped on her dress and made a little rip at the bottom while slipping but... It's all good. I got myself up and dusted myself off while laughing so it's all okay. Hopefully no one recorded that.

We got to the next interview.

"I'm so happy we put the camera towards the carpet. I got all of that slip on tape, are you okay Shawn?"

"Aww fuck-" Jasmin smacked me, "ow excuse the foul language, but yes I am okay, but I know I'm going to find hundreds of memes about that later"

"Nah I don't think that fall was anything compared to what you and Jasmin exposed last night. Shawn, your girlfriend is pregnant how do you feel?"

"Well I'm amazing excited and pumped but then again I'm not the one carrying the child so if you have any questions about the baby I suggest you ask Jasmin" I mischievously suggested.

"That is true, anyways Jasmin, when did you find out you were pregnant?"

"Like two months ago, I was with my friend shopping"

"oh nice, but some fans we're having a little conspiracies... Is Shawn really the dad?"

"Yes, I don't know why you guys think he wouldn't be" I could tell Jasmin was offended.

"Well Shawn wasn't with you 3 months ago, he was touring across oceans. You look around 3 months pregnant so-"

"Gee that's a very disrespectful question to ask in the first place and even worse if you push it with false information" Connor said as he jumped in front of the camera. Jasmin and I laughed from behind him.

"What do you mean false information?" The guy asked.

"Yeah" Jasmin chuckled, "I'm not three months pregnant, I'm actually turning 5 months in like less than 2 weeks"

"So when are we expecting this baby" the guy asked.

"Around August or September"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2020 ⏰

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