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I pulled up to a bar a couple minutes later, empty since its like 5 and no one drinks at this hour.

On my way here i called andrew to tell the crew i found him.

I found shawn sitting on the stools.

"Ohh you must be jasmin" the bartender said

"Yeah that's me"

"Ohh well this little guy wouldn't stop asking for you, like he'd cry and then ask me where you were, then cry again"

The bar tender said. A man around the age of 30, very polite with a grizzly beard. He could probably be a lumberjack if he wanted to.

"I didn't want to charge him, i feel like he's not in that state of mind"

"Ohh its okay ill pay, how much is it" i told him.

"It's $47. 92"

I handed him a 50 and grabbed shawn.
Shawn's weird, he has like 3 different types of drunk. The one right now is when he gets drunk alone in certain mood, he gets all emotional.

Another kind is when he gets drunk around people in a mood, then he gets mad.

The last kind is when he gets drunk with people, happy, then he just gets extra happy.

"Hey wait up" the bartender said. I turned around.

"This bottle belongs to you guys, he bought it" he says with a sad smile " and your change"

I sat shawn on this stool against the wall and told him, "hey wait a minute okay bubs? Ima go get this real quick"

I baby shawn when he's drunk. If you think about it drunk people are just big babies.

I walked back really fast grabbed everything said bye and turned back.

The first this i saw was shawn stumbling by the door.

The second thing i saw was him falling out the door. His hands softened his fall but i know it hurt.

I rushed over and helped him get up.

"Peter i told you to stay there"

"Yeah i know but, i- i needed to go to the restroooommm"

I noticed he said it in past tense, and i realized it was because he already pissed himself.

"Ohh pete, you're a mystery"

We got into the car and I pulled out of their parking lot.



"My uhm- my hand is big and it really hurts"

I pulled over and turned on the lights.

"Ohh god"

His wrist was swollen, kinda not a lot. I think he hurt it when he fell.

I changed the gps to the nearest hospital and pulled a U-ie.

The closest hospital was like 45 minutes away, due to traffic.

12 minutes into the drive shawn was asleep and i was on the phone with Andrew.

"Hey andrew, i got shawn"

"Thank goodness"

"Yeah he just hurt his wrist and were on the way to the hospital, i think well be back in the night or we'll just spend the night"

"Okay hope everything goes well, ill call you later to check up"

Then we hung up.

At around 6:15 i pulled up into a full parking lot.

I realized that i was about to walk an unconscious or drunk shawn into the ER in front of people which doesn't sound good when you say it out loud.

I walked into the ER alone and told the nurse about it. She immediately called someone back there and told me to go through the back door.

I walked back to the car. And opened the passenger door.

"Hey shawn, hey, get up"

"Ohhh hey jas, oww"

"yeah don't move your wrist"

He was a bit less drunk then before because of the nap but im not gonna let him walk alone.

I linked his arm for support and we walked in. A nurse greated us and showed us to a room.

Shawn layed down and almost immediately fell asleep again.

About 20 minutes later a doctor walked in,  asked basic questions.  He grabbed Shawn's arm and inspected it.

"Well it looks like he just sprained it, ill bring the miniature x ray machine to see if we have any fractures but i doubt it."

And with that he walked out.

He came back a while later with a little box looking thing and began scanning the arm despite shawn still being asleep.

"Just as i assumed, he has no bone fracture or break, not even a splint. So it will hurt just on its own for about 4 days, I suggest no wrist movement at all for at least 10 days, after those 10 days you can start moving but keep it to a minimum until it feels completely new."

"Okay thank you doc"

"I have something for him, wait a minute"

He returned about like 30 minutes later, yes my impatient ass counted. In one hand he had a wrist brace and in the other he had pain relieving pills.

"Please keep this on until it feels completely healed and these are pain medications for the first days in which it will be hurting constantly, shall we give him some now? So theyre working when he awakens?"

"Ohh no doc, he is actually intoxicated, those wont mix well"

"Ohh certainly not, well take them and administer 2 every 8 hours, without alcohol or drugs please"

"Yeah doc thanks a lot"

Im surprised the doc never noticed shawn pissed himself. Maybe he did and it was that little code of no judgement so he didn't say anything.

I find doctors cool.

After waking up shawn, getting into the car, calling andrew, arriving back, hiding the pills, and getting ready for bed, we were finally ready for bed.

You might've been wondering why i hid the pills, well we all know Shawn's story and he doesn't like seeing pills around, the only ones he ever takes anyways are his anxiety ones before shows.

I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I turn around to find shawn leaning against me. He placed his head on me as if i was a pillow and opened a little gap in his mouth. Drops of drool fell onto my shirt.

Oh how i love this man.

The Way It Goes (S.M.)Where stories live. Discover now