Im gonna do that again

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*** I know that's from Twilight, I wrote this before I found a picture and that's the closest thing to the image in my head haha***

"Open your eyes Hadley" he whispered in my ear. He was standing behind me slightly off to the side. I was distracted by how close he was. Butterflies were filling my stomach as I breathed in his addictive scent. He reached up and brushed my hair off of my face "Look" he said sweetly.
I opened my eyes and looked at the magnificent sight before me. We were at some kind of restaurant on the lake. Twinkly lights were hanging about the patio that rested near the edge of the water. There was a dock of sorts connected to the patio that you could walk out and a gazebo the the end of the dock. More lights and beautiful flowers decorated the gazebo. After taking in the view my sense of smell kicked in and my mouth started to water.

"Let's go eat," He said with an intoxicating smile on his face. We walked through the restaurant and we were seated at a table close to the water. We were handed menus and the host walked away. I didn't even look at her name I was in such awe by this place he had taken me.
I looked at him taking in his gorgeous face, I spent probably more time than I should have looking at those green eyes. "What?" He asked with an adorable blush tinting his cheeks

"Your eyes..." I trailed off realizing that I was actually saying what I was thinking. I coughed hoping he didn't hear me.

"What about them?" He asked with a chuckle. Just my luck.

"Uhm they're...very nice..." I could feel how red my face was.

"Thank you, your smile is breathtaking" he said with no shame. Just like that the butterflies have returned full force. "So what sounds good to you?" He asked after clearing his throat. I guess I had forgotten that we were at a restaurant. A waitress came up to the table. Her name tag said her name was Sarah. 

"Hi! Welcome to David's! Can I start you guys off with something to drink?" She didn't take her eyes off of Ryker the entire time, which bugged me I think more than it should. It was funny though because he didn't take his eyes off of me. 

"I'll just have an iced tea." I responded to her question.

"Yeah, me too" Ryker said still looking at me. With that Sarah huffed and walked away.

"She's really pretty and she was checking you out" I said looking down shyly at my menu. I think I'll get the Blackened Catfish Caesar Salad.

"I didn't even notice, honestly I don't know if I could notice anyone else if you're in the room." Wow. "This may seem fast considering we met yesterday Hadley, but I'd like to consider this a date, if that is okay with you." He said with complete sincerity. How could anyone say no to this gorgeous green eyes man?!

" I'd love that" I responded. Sarah came back with our drinks before we could say anything else.

"Have we decided what we would like to eat tonight?" She asked almost too sweetly.
I never understood why waiters say "we"? Like are you planning to sit and eat with us?? This time Ryker spoke first 

"Yeah I'll take the Blackened Catfish Caesar salad. What would you like, love?" He asked emphasizing the "love" trying to send a signal to Sarah. I started to giggle.

"That's what I want too." He chuckled to my response and took my menu handing it to Sarah. Then he grabbed my hand.

"Sounds good I'll be right back with those." I took a second to look at her face before she left and noticed she was staring at our connected hands with a very red face. The poor girl was embarrassed.

"She was so red." I whispered trying to control my giggling.

"I feel a tad bad, but honestly it's not hard to guess I'm on a date." He said blushing a little.
I realized he was still holding my hand and I started blushing like crazy. What is this? I'm never like this! I mean I don't spend a lot of time with guys or anything, but I've never been the girl that blushes just because someone is holding my hand. This guy is so different to anyone I've ever spent time with. I can't fight the smile that has found its way to my face. He begins to lightly run his thumb across my fingers. This movement was so sweet I began to blush again.
"Tell me something I don't know about you." He said to me. I had to think for awhile about what I should tell him.

"Hmmm, I was engaged once." I said trying to hide my smile.

"Oh yeah?"  He asked. He seemed a little nervous. "What happened?"

"Well, He was very sweet and we are still friends, I just couldn't go through with getting married at such a young age. We were only engaged for about 15 minutes. Through recess." I was giggling while telling the story. " He made me a ring with a paper clip and an eraser. I said yes and wore the ring during recess but it was uncomfortable so I threw it away when I got back inside the classroom. I was in third grade. We were really good friends all through school, I haven't seen him since though." He was chuckling at my story by the time I finished. I laughed with him for a minute. "Now it's your turn" I said with a smile.
He looked thoughtful for a moment before opening his mouth "Well, okay, I was valedictorian of my high school class." He exclaimed with great pride.

"Wow, I'm impressed" this guy had everything going for him it seems.
Sarah came back with two identical plates. 

"Here you guys go, is there anything else I can grab for you?" She asked avoiding all eye contact. Seems she got the message.

"No, we're good" we both responded at the same time. We both began laughing at this.

"Enjoy." She said before walking away. We ate out food mostly without talking except for the occasional grunt of approval about the food.
We finished and Sarah brought us the check. Ryker handed her his card before she could even put in on the table. I felt awkward. I always do when someone buys something for me, but I thanked him for dinner. He got his card back and thanked Sarah.

"Wanna go for a walk?" He asked. I nodded my head and he stood and grabbed my hand. I stood and followed behind him. We walked out to the gazebo. It was a short walk but still nice. We stood in the gazebo looking out at the lake. It was so beautiful out here. Ryker moved to stand behind me and put his arms around my waist. "Is this okay?" He asked sweetly.

"Yeah I like it." I responded glad he couldn't see the blush on my face. This is a moment I can tell I'm going to remember forever. At least I hope I do. He brought a hand up to pull a strand of hair behind my ear. He stepped from behind me and stood right in front of me. He placed his hands on my hips and turned us around so he could press me lightly against the railing of the gazebo. His left hand went to the small of my back and his right had trailed very softly up my arm to caress my cheek.

"You are so beautiful" he whispered while looking into my eyes. "I want to be incredibly cliche and kiss you right now. Is that okay?" He asked. I took a second to look into his perfect green eyes. I then slowly leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. He responded kissing me back. It was a very sweet kiss. A perfect kiss. He pulled away after a bit and looked back into my eyes 

"I'm gonna do that again" he said more to himself before placing his lips back on mine. This time the kiss was filled with such passion and fire. I know it's cliche, but it's true. This kiss is what I have been waiting for my entire life. I'm convinced now that this is the man for me. His hands laced into my hair with a ever so slight tug. My left hand was on the waistband of his jeans and my right was going up slowly to grab the collar of his shirt. After a few minutes we pulled away breathlessly. 

"Wow" we both exclaimed at the same time. We chuckled. He kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand. 

"Are you ready to head home?" He asked

"I don't want to, but we probably should." I responded sadly. We walked back to the car and headed out. This night was incredible.

Author's note: 

this one was a little longer! I want to hear from you guys! so the first person to comment on anything in this book will have a chapter dedicated to them! :) as always thank you for reading! i cant wait to hear your feedback!

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