It's A........!!!!!!

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It is Saturday. Today we find out if we are having a son or daughter. I can't wait! Serena already knows so I have been avoiding her for the last three days. I have texted her to keep up with as much of the party details as she'd let, but it wasn't much. All I know is that everyone will be here at 1:00 and we had to wear white. 

I have on a new white v neck long sleeve shirt and a pair of blue maternity jeans. Ryker has on jeans and a white v neck too. I like that we are matching. We are right now stuck in our room. Serena said we aren't allowed downstairs until the party. She wants everything to be a surprise. That's fine with me, less work! 

"I can't wait to know what we are having, princess. Should we talk about names while we are stuck in this room?" he asked.

"Sure, any ideas?"

"For a boy, I like the name Hunter." he said "Hunter James...." he trailed off. I love that name!

"It's perfect!" I told him "Well if it's a girl, I like the name Olivea" I said "I don't know about a middle name though." 

"Olivea Rose." He chuckled. I like the idea of her having my middle name. I nodded my head with a smile on my face.

"So, are we having a Hunter or an Olivea? I can't wait!" I said feeling the excitement.


"Welcome to your gender reveal party!" Serena shouted as we made it down the stairs. We looked around taking in the decorations and everything. Blue and pink everywhere. There was a sign near the door that said "Welcome to the Reveal". The snack table was covered is all kinds of treats all pink and blue in color. I really wanted to steal a chocolate cupcake.

There's another table near the door with guest book thing that wasn't actually a book, but a framed photo of our latest ultrasound with no glass. There was thick matting around the photo that everyone could sign. There were blue and pink markers and a sign that said "Pick a color and sign, so we will always remember if you were on the boy or girl side" It's so cute!

"You guys did amazing!" I told Serena and Drake. "Thank you so much!"

"Yeah thanks you guys We appreciate it a lot." Ryker chimed in.

Everyone started showing up shortly after we went downstairs, and by 1:15 all of our invited guests were there ready to find out what we are having. Of course Serena said we had to wait a bit because we had to build suspense. Everyone was gathered in the backyard and luckily it was a nice day. Dad and Dan were both standing at the grill barbecuing some burgers for everyone. They smelled delicious.

"Hey, sweetie! are you excited to find out what you're having?" My mom asked when she found me sitting near the snack table just admiring the gathered people.

"So excited. We picked out names today." I told her

"Welllll.....?" she dragged out wanting me to go on.

"Hold on, let go get Holly so I can tell you both." We  walked around looking for Ryker's mom and we found her with the dads be the grill.

"Hey, Holly come over here Had wants to tell us something!" my mom said pulling Holly with us.

"Okay so this morning Ryker and I decided on names." I told her and watched the smile spread across her face. She nodded telling me to go on "So if it's a boy we like Hunter James, and for a girl we like Olivea Rose." I told them

"Oh my god! how perfect!" My mom said pulling me into a hug. "I love that you guys are using your middle names!

"I love them Hadley, they really are perfect." Holly told me hugging me after my mom let go.

"BURGERS ARE READY!!!!!!" My dad shouted through the backyard "Hadley goes first, then Ryker, then whoever lines up after them." 

I got in line and grabbed my burger and I loaded up my plate with everything that sounded good and found a place to sit.

"Hey princess. Are you having fun?" I heard as Ryker sat next to me.

"I really am. I told our mothers our name ideas. They love them." He smiled. I'm so lucky he chose me. I love him so much, just that smile makes my heart race.

"I love them too baby." He said leaning over and kissing my cheek. "And I love you. so much."

"Well, we love you too Ry." I said back. We continued to eat with little to no conversation. Everything tasted great. I was enjoying this little party so much. Around three it was finally time to figure out what we will be having.

"Alright everyone gather around!!!! It's time to see if we are having a boy or a girl!"

"It's time to see if we are having a Hunter or an Oilvea!" Ryker shouted just as loud telling everyone our baby names. Everyone awed and coo'd over the name, it was sweet.

"Alright, so as you can see Hadley and Ryker are wearing white shirts, this was on purpose. WE have these squirt guns that actually shoot paint, so we are going to blindfold both of the parents-to-be and then we are going to give each of the grandparents to be a squirt gun. Then they will aim at Hadley and Ryker shooting their shirts and covering them with paint. Blue for a boy or pink for a girl." Serena explained. "No one is allowed to yell anything about the color, because it had to be a surprise for mom and dad okay? You can cheer or whatever but don't give anything away." She told everyone. "Who's ready!?!?!?!" She asked. Everyone cheered and Serena and Drake directed us to stand in the middle of the lawn.

I love this idea. I kinda like that our parents get to be apart of our reveal. Once we were in our spot to stand they each tied a blindfold covering our eyes. I could hear the two of them running off so they weren't in the line of fire.

"On the count of three you may shoot. Ready?" I heard a chorus of 'yeahs'. "One ....... Two ....... Three!!!!!" 

All of a sudden I felt cold liquid running down my chest. I heard cheering and happiness and I continued to feel the paint soaking my shirt. I grabbed reached for Ryker's hand grasping it firmly once I found it. "I need to know it's killing my!" He shouted. I heard everyone laughing at this. Eventually I didn't feel anymore cold paint spraying me. They were done. I was covered in either pink or blue paint.

"Okay are you ready to know?" Drake shouted

"YES!" we both shouted back making everyone laugh again.

"Okay on the count of three remove your blindfolds." 



THREEEE!!!!" I tore the blindfold away and I could see Ryker did the same thing. I looked down and instantly tears started to stream down my face. I looked up at Ryker and I saw the same reaction. I jumped up pulling him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist squeezing tightly. We pulled back and then crashed our lips together. I paid no attention to the hooting and hollering behind me. We eventually pulled apart and looked at each other in the eyes.

"Olivea." We said at the same time making my smile grow.

"I knew it!" I told him. "I love you so much Ryker. Thank you for making my dream come true."

"You're the one giving me a daughter. I'm going to have two princesses to spoil." He said cheekily "I love you so much Hadley Rose Davis. I can't wait to make you Hadley Rose Nova."

Author's note"

It's a girl!!!!! Olivea. Do you like the name?? I have always loved that name. thank you for reading please comment and vote!

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