Something's wrong

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"Honey we're home!" I shouted into the house. Olivea and I are just getting back from finishing up some wedding plans with Serena and both mine and Ryker's moms. We have everything panned. The only thing left now is to wait for the big day. Three weeks! That's it!

"Welcome home my beautiful girls. How was your day?" He asked

"It was wonderful! We have everything planned. Everyone was losing it over Olivea and she was having the time of her life. She's such a happy baby. Can you believer we have had her for almost four months now? She's growing to fast." I told him

"She really is." Ryker said pulling her out of the carseat. "Hi, baby. Did you have a good day with mommy?" She asked in a sweet voice. She giggled and reached out to touch his face. She loves her daddy so much. "When can we have another one?" Ryker asked. I don't know if he's joking or not, but I would love to have another baby soo. I want them to be close in age so they can grow up together.

"Whenever you want." I told him seriously. He looked at me surprised.

"Really, you would want another baby now?" He asked looking hopeful.

"Well, I want a lot of kids and I want them to be kinda close in age so they can grow up together, so I'm ready whenever you are." I placed a gentle kiss on his cheek and Olivea began to giggle again. She always does that when we kiss or show any kind of affection, It's adorable.

"So should I see if mom can keep Oliva tonight?" He asked in a husky voice and winked at me.

"Yes." I said breathily. He guld visibly and pulled out his phone calling his mom without taking his eyes off of me.

"Hey mom....we are great....Good, now Hadley can relax a little....I wanted to know if you could babysit Olive tonight...Hadley and I would like some alone time (he winked at me again)....Thanks mom see you in a couple you too...bye" he hung up

"So I'm assuming she said yes." I said with a chuckle. He nodded and turned to our daughter.

"Do you want a little brother or sister baby?" He asked knowing she wouldn't actually be able to respond. She giggle in response and grabbed his face again. "You really want to do this Had. YOu wanna have another baby already?" He asked seeming a little hesitant, not because he didn't want to, I could tell he's worries that he's pressuring me.

"I want another baby with you Ryker, I really really do. I don't want to wait. I want our family to grow." I told him completely honest.

"You guys are going to try to have another baby?!" I heard Holly ask excitedly from the doorway.

"Okay, mom, yes, nut you can't say anything to anyone!" Ryker said looking up at his mom we all had identical large smiles on our faces and Olivea could sense the mood of the room so she started to giggle even harder.

"Yay!! I can't wait to be a grandma again!" She chuckled and reached for the baby. Ryker handed her off. "So when is the trial?" Holly asked and our smiles vanished.

"Next week. We were lucky to get a date set this early, luckily the defense attorney isn't trying to hold it up with appeals or anything like that. I'm just glad it'll all be over before the wedding." I told her. She nodded and we said our goodbyes to both her and Olivea. I was a little nervous, this will be her first night away from us.

"Are you nervous?" He asked coming up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist I nodded and leaned back into him. "She will be okay, my parents wouldn't let anything happen and they will call us if need be." He reassured me.

"You're right. I don't need to worry about anything." I turned around and kissed him hard and passionately. "So, should we pretend we don't just want to run upstairs and tear off our clothes and go at it or..." I trailed off hoping he'd get that I want him to exactly that.

He grabbed my hand and we rushed up the stairs to our bedroom laughing excitedly the whole time. We made it inside the room and he closed the door before pushing me up against it and placing his lips back on mine. He held my arms above me with one had and trailed the other down from my cheek to my hip so lightly I couldn't help but shiver. He started to trail kisses down my neck until he reached the spot that he knows will drive me crazy.


I woke up at about  midnight because my phone was ringing. I shot out of bed and grabbed my phone. I didn't bother looking at the caller ID and answered it glance to my side to see Ryker waking up and looking at me

"Hello?" I answered

"HADLEY! Wake up! You have to get down the hospital. We are on our way with Olivea. I will explain when you get here just hurry!" My heart dropped into my stomach as I listened to what Holly was saying. She hung up and I hopped out of bed and threw on the first thing I saw. Pajama pants and a tank top I didn't bother with a bra or anything.

"They're taking Olive to the hospital. I don't know why, get up we have to go." I told ryker as I was getting dressed. He threw on an outfit much like mine and we raced to the car. I am finding it hard to breathe and I feel like I'm going to puke. She has to be okay. What the hell is going on? Ryker reached over to grab my hand trying to give me some comfort. I could tell that he's freaking out again. 

"Something's wrong with our baby, and we weren't even there to help. God she has to be okay!" I said to Ryker.

"She will be okay. She has been through too much for her to not be okay. You have been through to much for her not to be okay." He told me reassuringly. I know I shouldn't get myself worked up too much until I know what's going on. I can't help it though. She's my baby. She and Ryker are my whole world. Nothing can happen to them I won't be able to handle it.

We got to the hospital in record time and raced in. The first person we saw was Drew. He knew why we were here so he led us to where Olivea is. He didn't explain anything though so we were still confused.

"What happened?!" I asked as soon as I saw Holly and Dan standing outside of an exam room

"She woke up and she was hungry so I got her a bottle, I used a premade formula that Dan had picked up from the drugstore and she drank a little bit of it before she started choking an gagging and she wasn't getting any air. I called and ambulance, they think that she is having allergic reaction to the formula. Oh god, you guys I'm so sorry! You trusted me with the baby and this happens. I'm so sorry!" she began to cry. I didn't blame her. How was she supposed to know that she was allergic to the formula?

"It's okay mom. It's not your fault. She Hasn't had formula since Hadley was in her coma and couldn't breastfeed. You had no way of knowing." He pulled his mom into a hug

"Have they come out to update you yet?" I asked. Holly shook her head just as a doctor came out of the room.

"She's okay! It seems that the formula she was fed has caused Olivea's throat to close up. We aren't sure what ingredient in the formula it is that caused this reaction. We will have to do a scratch test at some point, but for now no formula at all. She is on on oxygen right now to help her breathe a bit better and we are going to keep her over night, but you guys are more than welcome to stay with her." she explained to us before walking away. I let out a breath of relief. She's going to be okay.

"You guys go ahead and go home. Hadley and I are going to stay here with her. Thank you for taking care of her and know that something was wrong." Ryker told his parents and we said goodbye before going into the room to see our sleeping baby. 

"I'm so sorry baby. Mommy and Daddy are really glad you are okay" Ryker whispered at her sleeping form and I let the tears fall down my face. I was so terrified for my baby. 

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