I only met them once

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"Let's go home." Ryker said after we gathered Olivea and all of our bags. I have been awake for a week and a half. They wanted to keep me so that they could be sure I was healed. 

"Yes, please." With that we walked out of the hospital without looking back. This last month has been the absolute best and worst of my life. I mean I was tormented and sliced open by a psychotic woman, but I also got my baby girl. She is perfect. She has ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes. She has thick dark hair, and she has mesmerizing green eyes. She is the perfect amount of Ryker and me. She is everything I have ever dreamed of. I can't believe we made her. 

"She's perfect isn't she?" Ryker asked as we set her in the car, locking the car seat into place in the base.

"She really really is." I told him with a big smile on my face.

"We have to go to the police station later and give your statement, love."n Ryker told me when we pulled into our driveway. They wanted to question me while I was in the hospital, but Ryker was able to convince them to wait until I got out.

"Okay, should we have someone come watch Olivea, or just bring her with us?" I asked, debating whether I wanted to bring her out in public, or leave her with someone else.

"I think we should just bring her, I'm sure Nate would like to meet her." Ryker said. I'm glad he decided that, because after I asked I realized I wasn't ready to be away from her yet. I nodded and we settled on to the couch. Olivea is sleeping peacefully in Ryker's arms and I am cuddled up to his side. We turned the TV on so we would have some background noise while we just laid there enjoying each other's company. 

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know Olivea is screaming in my ear causing me to jump. "I Think she's hungry." Ryker stated handing me the baby. I nodded and got her into the correct position to feed her. I'm really glad that everything that happened didn't make it impossible for me to breastfeed. I wanted to be able to do that so bad. I wanted that bond with her.  She latched on really quickly. He was right she is very hungry.

"Does that hurt?" He asked beside me watching with an awed look on his face.

"Not at all, at least not right now. I imagine that when she starts teething it'll probably hurt. It hurts if there's too much build up, but right now I'm okay" I told him playing with Olivea's tiny little fingers. She looks up at me with her brilliant green eyes and I couldn't help but fall in love with her all over again.

"I can't believe we made her." Ryker said as he put his arm around my shoulders.

"I know." She finished eating and Ryker changed her before placing her flat on her back in the bassinet we have sitting in the living room. She pouts out her bottom lip for a minute and I thought she was going to scream, but luckily she calmed down and quickly drifted off to sleep. We settled back on the couch and cuddled into each other. All I wanted was to take another nap. So I drifted off again into a dreamless sleep. 

"Baby, wake up. We gotta go to the police station." I heard a dreamy voice say into my ear. I let out a sigh and slowly sat up. I leaned over to my lovely fiance and placed a kiss on his cheek. I stood up from the couch and walked over to the bassinet where my Olivea is peacefully sleeping a kissed her gently on her forehead before walking to the bathroom to freshen up real quick. 

"Lets go!" I said coming back into the front roo. Ryker had gotten Olivea ready while I was getting myself ready. 

"Alright princess. I have Olivea and her diaper bag, so you just go ahead and grab whatever you need and I will meet you in the car." He said walking out. I grabbed my purse and my phone and went to the car noticing that Ry had already secure Olivea into the seat correctly.

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