You best friend thief

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Hadley's POV

We have been without our undercover cop for about 4 weeks now. That means I am now 28 weeks pregnant. I am spending the day with Serena since I haven't really seen much of her since I moved in with Ryker. We are on our way to the mall right now. I need some more maternity clothes, I don't have many clothing options right now. I was able to find a cute little sundress though. Its black with red flowers all over it. I threw on a cute little jean jacket over it to keep me a little warm. The weather today isn't that bad, I just tend to get cold easily.

"I'm here!!!!" I heard a feminine voice shout from downstairs. I chuckled at my best friend. "Ryker, dude, let my best friend go I get her today remember?" She continued making us laugh even harder.

"Yeah yeah, we will be right down." I yelled back at her. "Come on baby, you're walking me out." I grabbed his hand and we walked downstairs to meet Serena. "Hi, Rena." I said as I pulled her into a hug.

"Hi best friend. I have missed you." she hugged me back. "Hi Ryker. You best friend stealer." she joked pulling him into a hug too.

"Ha, Ha, you're going to take care of my fiance and my baby right? I don't like that I won't be there if something happens." he said to her full of seriousness.

"I won't take my eyes off of them. She's my best friend and that is my niece in there, trust me I will protect them." She told him just as seriously.

"Guys, I'm right here. I can take care of us too." I told them placing a hand protectively on my belly. 

"We know, love. We are just worried." Ryker wrapped his arms around me.

"Alright, let's get out of here!" Serena interrupted. "I'm excited to hang out with my best friend."

"Bye baby, have a good day." Ryker said

"You too, love. Enjoy your day with Drake."

"I love you."

"I love you too Ry."


"Let's go to Macy's. We should be able to find you a bunch of maternity clothes there." Serena said as we got to the mall.

"Yeah, sounds great but first I need to go to the bathroom." I told her

"There's one right there let's go." she said.

"You don't have to go with me I can manage on my own."I chuckled

"Are you kidding me? Ryker would kill me if I let you go anywhere alone." I thought about it for a moment.

"You're right he probably would. Okay let's go. We headed to the bathroom and I did my business and washed my hands. "To Macy's!" I exclaimed and we headed to the store.

We spent a few hours looking through all of the maternity clothes. I have about twelve weeks of my pregnancy left, if I make it to term that is. She might come early because this is my first pregnancy, but who knows. I wanted to get a few things, but I didn't want to go overboard, since I don't have that long left. Serena picked out a few dresses for me and I grabbed a couple pairs of pants and tops. Eventually I walked out with about six outfits. That should be enough for now.

"Alright, so as you know we are getting married on October 21st. We were wondering if you could make our cake for us? I know you're in the wedding, I just wouldn't feel right paying someone else when my best friend makes the best wedding cake on the planet. Of course we will pay you." I ranted a bit.

"Of course Had. I would be honoured to make your wedding cake. I was going to anyway weather you asked or not." she laughed pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you Rena."

"We can do a tasting soon so you can pick out your perfect cake." I nodded excited to taste some of her cakes. She is an incredible baker.

"I was wondering if it would be too much work to do a small cake, like for the bridal party, and of course the top layer for our first anniversary, and then cupcakes for everyone else?" I asked her

"I love it! That's not too much at all honestly it may even be easier." She said. I love my best friend.

"When do you want to go dress shopping?" she asked

"I'm not sure maybe a little bit after Olivea is here. I can't really get a good idea of what I'll want when I have this huge stomach." I joked.

"Of course how about we set an appointment for August 3rd. Ryker will be fine with her for one day right?" I thought about it and figured that'd be okay

"Yeah, that works. I mean he can always call his mother over if need be." I told her. 

"What other wedding details do we need to figure out?" She asked

"Well, Cole is going to do our photos and his friend that did the proposal video is going to do our wedding video, now we need a DJ, and Ryker will have one of his caterers do the food so I don't need to worry about that. So really decor and outfits and stuff. You know all the little details." I told her 

"We should get you a binder so you can stay organized. When do you want to do your bachelorette party?"


"Okay I'll figure it out." She said. We were in the car heading back home. We had been at the mall for about five hours and I was dead on my feet.

"Thank you for going out with me today I really had a lot of fun." I told her as we pulled through the gate. I looked in the driveway and saw that Ryker's car was gone. He was still with Drake I'm sure.

"Me too. We need to do this more often." She stopped the car and we both got out. She grabbed the majority of the bags and we headed to the door. When we got the we noticed that the door was not closed all the way. It was slightly ajar. 

"Hadley, get back in the car." Serena whispered. I didn't bother to fight her and turned around to go back to the car, Serena was hot on my heels. I'm glad she wasn't stupid enough to go inside. We got in the car and I pulled out my phone to call Ryker.

"Hey princess, how's your day going?" asked a cheerful masculine voice.

"Ryker, did you close the door and set the alarm when you left?" I asked

"Of course....what's going on?" He asked

"We just got home and the door is open. We got back in the car. Ryker I think someone broke in.." I trailed off a little bit

"Okay baby we are on our way right now. DO NOT GO INSIDE." He said

"Yeah no we will stay right her inside the locked car." I told him. I could hear him gathering everything to get in the car.

"See you soon love please be safe." He said 

"You too, hurry, but don't drive recklessly okay?" I responded

"I love you"

"Love you too Ry." We hung up. Serena and I sat in the car waiting for the boys to get here. We were quiet. Me out of fear I don't know about Serena though. We were both staring at the door almost like we were daring someone to come out. About ten minutes later I heard the game opening and looked behind me too see Ryker's car pulling in. I let out a breath of relief. Everything will be okay.

Ryker and Drake got out of the car and came to us. I opened the door and stepped out I practically dove into Ryker's arms relishing in the comfort they provided.

"I love you, Drake and I are going to go and check the house out okay? You guys stay here." WE nodded in response

"Yell if you need us." Serena said back. They nodded and walked to the house determinedly.

We waited outside and as they opened the door Ryker turned towards me "Call Detective James now, baby!" 

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