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Hadley's POV

"Ryker, are you happy with how our lives have turned out?" I asked turning to my handsome husband.

"Had, I literally couldn't be happier. Sure we went through a lot of crap, but look at them. Look at all we have done!" He said taking a look at our children. We have Olivea of course, after her came Quinn, she looks like Ryker but she has my hazel eyes. After Quinn we had Chase. He is exactly like his dad. After Chase came the twins Hunter and Callie. Hunter is a mommy's boy and Callie is rather independent. We have five kids and I have so much love and happiness because each of them. It's weird how different and similar they can all be. Like their different tastes in music, or the different kinds of movies they like, but they all eat the same way.

"I love our life." I told him. We are cuddled up on the outside swing chair thing watching our children playing in the pool. Olivia is 13, Quinn is 12, Chase is 7 and the twins are 4. 

"Thank you for giving it to me." He said kissing my cheek.

"We really did get our basketball team didn't we." I said with a chuckle. 

"Yeah we did." He laughed with me.

"Wanna know something?" I asked him.

"What's that love?" He asked and before I could tell him we were interrupted by Jennifer.

"Aunty Hadley!" I heard the five year old girl yell running towards me.

"Hey, Jenny. Where's your mom?" I asked her

"Right here." I heard Serena say when she came out the sliding glass door. "Cole is grabbing the baby from the car." She told me when I looked at her questioningly.

Serena and Cole got married about two years after Ryker and I. They have two kids. Jennifer and Logan. Logan is only 8 months old. They wanted more kids, but they had some trouble getting pregnant. They adopted Jennifer as a newborn and I actually carried Logan for them. Being a surrogate is one of the most incredible feelings in the world. 

"Hey guys!" Cole said. He had an adorable chubby little boy in his arms. He set the baby down inside the little playpen that's set up for younger kids.

"We have some news." Serena said excitedly.

"What's up?" I asked. She turned towards Cole and removed her thick jacket. before turning back to face us.

"Are you pregnant Rena?!" I asked noticing the very obvious bump.

"Yes, we are 5 months pregnant and it's a boy. We would have told you earlier but I was afraid of getting my hopes up." she said quickly. I understand. She has miscarried 4 times already so I know she is always hesitant when she gets pregnant.

"Congratulations!" I said getting up to give her a hug. "I'm so  happy for you Rena." I said.

"This is wonderful news you guys. Congrats." Ryker said getting up to give Cole a hug as well. We always spend Sundays together. So them coming of wasn't a surprise. We usually BBQ, but I just wasn't in the mood for it today so Ryker is making us chinese food. He's an amazing chef. He has gotten to do a lot more cooking over the years. I think he was getting tired of the business said of his catering company so now he hired someone to run that for him and he gets to cater more often.

My photography hasn't really changed much. I get a lot of business and I do a lot of wedding so I'm busy a lot during weekends, but it's okay. Cole is now a partner in the business, and we each have our own assistants so I guess that's different.

"Are our parents coming over today?" I asked Ryker after we had all settled down and gotten comfortable.

"No, remember they went camping together?" He asked. Right I had forgotten.

"I'm so glad they get along so well." I told him.

"How are your parents Rena?" 

"They're good. They're super excited about the baby. I told them yesterday." She said.

"MOMMMM! HUNTER TOOK MY DOLLY!!!!" Callie shouted from beside the pool.

"Can you...?" I asked Ryker feeling way to tired to get up.

"I got it." He walked over to them and spoke to them softly. I didn't hear what he said but after a moment Hunter handed the doll back to his sister.

"You are such a good daddy." I told him when he came to sit back next to me.

"They make it easy." He chuckled

"Did you hear about Tanya?" Serena asked.

"No?" I haven't heard from her since the trial 13 years ago. We didn't stay in touch.

"She made partner at her firm." She told

"That's wonderful! I'm so happy for her." Tanya and Karl never wanted kids. They travel a lot and seem to really like their life...according to Facebook at least.

We haven't heard anything from Brenda since the trial. All I know is that she's in some prison over in Illinois or something. She's far away luckily. Tristan ended up getting 15 years, so he will be released within the next two years. I'm not worried though. He has sent me a few letters telling me how sorry he is and that when he is released he plans to go back to Toronto where his family is. 

We all sat around the patio table and enjoyed the delicious meal that my husband made. Chattering and listening to the childish conversations going on. The loudest of which is between Ryker and Cole. Ryker is trying to convince Cole to name the baby after him. I just sit back and watch the source of my happiness enjoying themselves. 

Later that night all the kids are in bed and Ryker and I are laying down in our room with the TV lightly playing some netflix movie while we just cuddle and talk about how our life has turned out.

"Remember earlier when I asked you if you wanted to know something before Jenny interrupted us?" I asked

"Yeah, and I do wanna know something," he chuckled.

"Don't be mad promise?" I asked starting to feel a little nervous.

"What did you do?" he asked skeptically, probably assuming I bought something expensive or whatever.

"Technically it's "What did we do?"


"I'm pregnant?" I said as if it were a question.

"Really?" He asked with a smile.

"Have I ever lied to you?" I asked with a knowing smile.

"We are going to have another baby?!" He asked excitedly.

"Yeah I would have told you earlier, but I didn't want to like draw anything away fro Serena's announcement." I told him

"I'm so happy! The kids are going to be so excited."

"I hope so." I chuckled.

"We are having another baby. Hey I'm getting the substitutions for the basketball team!" he said excitedly and I couldn't help the loud laugh that escaped my throat.

"I love you so much!" 

"I love you too Hadley. More than you could know."

Author's note!

That's it! it's over! my first book! What do we think? Do we want a sequal or spinoff about Olivea? Serena and Cole? Comment and let me know what I should do.

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