My Baby..

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"I think the people that have her are some people we met at a wedding back in November." I told Nate after looking at the notes. All of the words that start with B or T are capitalized. They basically signed the notes. They want us to know it's them. Why didn't we see this before. God I'm so dumb.

"Who? Why would they be after Hadley."

"Their names are Brenda and Tristan. Brenda was all over me at the wedding and I shot her down, well because she wasn't Hadley, and Tristan was all over Hadley. Like aggressively so. The bride had to threaten him with my knives it got so bad." I explained.

"Okay, do you know how to get in contact with them?" 

"I know where they work. Or I could call Tanya. The bride from the wedding I still have her number in my phone."

"Okay, where do they work? I'm going to call them and see if they are in today."

"Main street jewelers." I told him pulling out my phone and finding the correct contact.

"Hello?" He high pitched voice answered 

"Hello Tanya I don't know if you remember me. This is Ryker. I catered your wedding." I told her trying to not seem to impatient.

"OH! Hey, what's up?" she asked enthusiastically. I couldn't help but feel angry because she was happy. I know this isn't her fault and she has no idea what's going on, but it pissed me off that she could be so hyper at a time like this.

"I need to figure out how to get in contact with Brena or Tristan. ASAP." I told her hastily.

"Uhm why? Is everything okay? I saw you and Hadley were having a baby. Congratulations!." She said changing the subject. I want to yell at her so badly. Again I know she's unaware that this is a dire situation, but can she just stay on topic.

"Yeah we are thanks. Hadley is actually why I'm calling. She's missing and we have a strong reason to believe he took her. Now can you help me figure out where they might be? Hadley has a condition, and stress of this situation could be fatal to her. So please, if you could. Tell me where they are or give me a number or something. I need her to be okay." I decided to tell her some of the truth.

"Oh my god. Okay, uhm they are actually roommates. I can text you their address and phone numbers." she said quickly. "I hope everything turns out okay, Please let me know what happens." 

"Will do. I have to go now thank you Tanya for the help." We hung up and a minute late she had texted me with the information.

"I got it. Let's go find my girls." I shouted at Nate and we ran to his car.


Hadley's POV

"Did we really think this out all the way?"

"Shut up, I read all the books and I watched all the videos."

"She's bleeding though, is that normal?"

"Yeah, I mean. I think so." she sounded unsure.

"I don't like this Brenda. I don't want to be apart of this anymore."

"Shut up Tristan. We had a deal. I get Ryker and you get the bitch."

"Okay, Bren. I think we took this too far. Do you really think either of them will ever forgive us for this?" 

"He will see that she can't even take care of his baby, she let this happen. He will learn to hate her. Then he will finally be able to see that I was made for him." 

"Brenda. That's crazy. Let's just go drop her off in front of the hospital."

Suddenly I felt pain. Intense, excruciating pain. I couldn't scream though. I couldn't let them know that I was awake. I could feel a sticky liquid between my legs. Blood. OLIVEA! Oh god. Please let my baby be okay. I need her to be okay. She's right. Ryker will hate me if anything happens to our daughter. This is all my fault. I should have just stayed home today. 

"Are you trying to kill her and the baby?!" I heard Tristan shout as I felt a blade slice into my belly. This time I let out a blood curdling scream.

"SHUT UP BITCH!" Brenda shouted at me as she returned her focus to whatever she was doing to my stomach. I laid back down pretending I had passed out from the pain. "They won't die. We are going to leave the perfectly healthy baby on a church step, and she has to live. She has to feel this pain for the rest of her life. The pain of know she couldn't do anything to stop us from taking her baby. She has to know that she is a horrible mother. I want her to believe her daughter is dead. Ryker has to know that she let her die. She didn't even try to stop it from happening." she ranted. What the hell did I do to this psychotic woman? Why is she doing this to us?

"Brenda, put the blade down. This is crazy. You can't do this to the poor baby. She never did anything to us." Tristan tried to reason with her. I started to feel a little bit of appreciation for this creep. 

"NO! She has to feel this pain." All of a sudden I heard a tiny, but loud cry. My baby.

"Please, let me see her." I spoke out feeling incredibly weak and dizzy. I wasn't going to be conscious much longer.

"Never, bitch. You will never see your daughter. You we never know if she looks more like you or him. You will have to live with this day for the rest of your life." She told me before leaving the room.

"I'm so sorry photo girl. I tried to stop her." 

Then black.  

Ryker's POV

We pulled up in front of a boring house that I barely looked at before jumping out of the car. Please be here. Please be here. Please be okay. Please be alive. Please don't let me find my fiance dead in there. God, please don't take my family from me.

"Ryker! You have to stay in the car. Let me and the other two cops go in there and see if she's there." Nate shouted at me before I could reach the car. I knew he was right. I don't know if I can handle finding her in there laying a pool of her own blood. Please let her just be taking a nap. Maybe that was someone else's blood at the studio. I nodded my head and watch the three of them take off to the house.

"Brenda Knox. Tristan Blake. Open the door now." Nate shouted at the closed door. We heard a crash from inside and I could hear the distant cry of a baby.

Oh my god. Olivea. My baby. What have the done?! Nate and the cops didn't hesitate any longer and busted the door down. I heard indistinct chatter and shouting and item breaking before I heard Nate shout something that had me running as fast as I can into the house.

"Call a bus! She has no pulse! Starting CPR!" Hadley. I knew they were talking about her because I could still hear Olivea crying. I ran in and I noticed one of the cops holding a tiny naked bundle, and the other cop was standing over two struggling bodies .

Oh god. My princess.

Hadley's POV

"Hadley? Baby please wake up."


"Hang four units! She's lost a lot of blood."


"Don't stop trying! You have to save her. Our daughter needs her!"


"She's beautiful Had, you need to open your eyes. She needs her mommy."


"I can't live without her mom. I need her to be okay. Olivea needs her mom. I need her mom. She needs to be my wife."


"It's been two weeks Mr. Nova, you need to prepare yourself for the possibility that she may not wake up. She suffered a lot of damage and she lost a lot of blood. She may not be able to make it back from that."


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