I Don't Know

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We go to the hospital in record time and Ryker carried me into the ER. 

"Someone, please help! She's pregnant, but it's too early. She can't be having the baby now. Please help them!" Ryker yelled at no one in particular.

"Okay, someone get me a gourney!" I heard an female voice shout back and I was quickly laid down on an uncomfortable bed. "How far along are you?" She asked me. I just screamed back in response unable to answer.

"She's 28 weeks. She's too early, please she can't lose this baby. She will be devastated." I heard Ryker say. 

"How long has she been in pain?"

"Like 15 minutes. She just started screaming so I picked her up and brought her right here." He explained.

"OKay we are going to take her into an exam room, wait here please sir. We will do what we can to figure out what's going n okay? I will send someone out to update you as soon as I can okay?" She said to me fiance, he must have nodded because I didn't hear a response. She took me into a room and began her exam.

Ryker's POV

Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay. I kept chanting in my head. Should I call our parents? Or Serena? Or...what do I do?I'm freaking out. Nothing can happen to my girls. I can't live if anything happens to them. I need them to be okay. 

I shouldn't have let her in to see that house. Whoever destroyed our home, is the reason she's here right now. Whoever did this to her is the reason my baby is in danger. I decided to pick up my phone and call our parents. I started with hers because they should know their daughter is in the hospital.

"Ryker? What's up son?" Bruce answered when I called

"Uhm, it's Hadley. Something's wrong. We are at the hospital. Please come now. I don't know anything. Please hurry she needs you."

"Is it the baby? Is the baby okay?" He asked with worry is his voice. I heard him getting ready to leave the house.

"I-i-i don't know..." I answered honestly feeling the tears coming down my face. "Please hurry. I have to call my parents now." I told him and we hung up. I called my mom and told her to hurry down here and she said she'd be here in a minute.

I waited for them sitting in one of those uncomfortable plastic chairs with my head in hands. I don't know what I'm going to do if she isn't okay. Listening to her scream in pain is the most terrifying thing I have ever heard. She couldn't answer me or the doctor, she could only scream in agony. The way her beautiful face contorted and twisted up before she let out that piercing scream will never leave my mind. The way her body was shaking as she wrapped her arms around her belly knocked the breath out of me. My beautiful princess, our little bean, they are in danger and it's a danger I can't do anything to fix. 

"Ryker?" I heard a male voice call. I looked up and saw Drew walking towards me. "What are you doing here?" He asked as I stood up to give him a hug.

"Hadley...she uh....I don't know she just started screaming and clutching her belly." I told him "Can you go in there? Can you make sure she's okay?" I asked him with tears in my eyes.

"Yeah, man, Yeah I'll go see what I can do. I will be right back to give you an update." He said before walking into the room that they rushed Hadley into. 

"Ryker! What's going on?" I heard Vanessa shouting as she ran down the hall. She pulled me into a hug as her and Bruce reached me.

"I don't know. We had to get a hotel room because someone broke in and destroyed our house...different story for a different day....anyway we laid down in the bed to try and get some sleep and she just jolted out of the bed clutching her stomach and screaming. I was so scared I carried her to the car and brought her straight here." I told her crying again as I recalled the face and the noise she made "It's too early for the baby to come. She can't lose her." I ranted as Vanessa soothed me

"They will be okay. I'm sure of it." she said as my parents came running up.

"What happened?" Mom asked. I shook my head signalling I couldn't say it again so Bruce told them exactly what I just said.

"Oh baby. It'll be okay. I'm sure they can fix whatever is wrong." Mom said pulling me to her chest. 

"I can't lose them mom. I can't."

"Guys?" I heard Drew say coming out of the room.

"What is it? Is she okay?" I asked him pulling away from mom.

"Has she been stressed?" Drew asked

"Yes, very someone broke into our house today and destroyed everything she owns, and the nursery." I wouldn't have shared that much is he wasn't my broth in lay, but I figured he'd find out eventually anyway.

"Okay, I'm going to need to hear more about this later." he said "Hadley's blood pressure is through the roof. She also has a lot of protein in her urine." he explained and I must have been confused because he continued to talk, "We have diagnosed Hadley with Pre-Eclampsia. She is also having contractions, the stress has put her into early labor, luckily we were able to stop the contractions, however the pre-eclampsia won't go away, in fact it may cause some sever problems when she has the baby." He told us.

"What kind of problems?" I asked

"She may hemorrhage while she's in labor. She could also end up with kidney or liver problems. Those aren't definite, they are just worst case scenarios." 

"Hemorrhage?" My mom voiced in

"She could bleed out." He said slowly and I dropped to my knees. She can't. She has to be okay.

"He and the baby are okay right now though right?" Vanessa asked.

"Yes, yes they are both fine." He told us "Ryker she's asking for you. We need her to not stress at all right now. We have chosen not to tell her about her condition just yet. I want her to come back in a few days when everything has calmed down so we can talk to her about it oaky?" 

I nodded and walked into the room that has my two girls in it. "Hi baby, how are you feeling?" I asked her as I saw her beautiful eyes.

"I'm okay, Olivea is okay right?" she asked me

"Yes, yes you and our daughter are fine." I told her grasping her small hand in mind.

"How long do I have to be in here?"

"I don't know for sure baby, but I think we should go back to one of our parent's places. That way you aren't alone. Is that okay?"

"Yeah I'd like that. I'm sorry if I scared you. I didn't mean to." She told me as her eyes began to water.

"No, don't worry princess. I'm just glad you two are okay." I placed a kiss on her forehead.

We waited a few more hours with our parents all in the room and we told them all about what is going on with Had's stalker before eventually she was released. We decide to go back to Hadley's parents place so she could be with her mom. 

I just pray that everything with my girls will be okay. I need her to be okay. 

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