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It's 9:00 in the morning and I am awake getting ready to go to a photo shoot. I'm kind of excited I feel like I haven't done photos in forever. I am 36 weeks pregnant now, and we have been going to the doctors a lot. Everything seems to be okay so far so they haven't had to induce me or anything. Thank god! Ryker left about thirty minutes ago he was catering for a wedding today. 

I am getting more and more excited to meet Olivea. Ryker has been talking to her everyday and she has been kicking so much. It almost seems like she's trying to kick her way out. I'm just glad she moves around a lot because that means she's doing okay in there. I am huge though, like about to burst at the seams, huge. Part of me can't wait for her to be here because being pregnant is exhausting, but the rest of me is a little scared about what's going to happen. 

Last night Ryker was telling Olivea all about her new home, and how he had set up her nursery. He told her all about her grandparents, and aunts and uncles. He told her all about her cousin Bella, and of course all about his daddy. When he told her all about me, his eyes were shining with such love and devotion I fell even further in love with my handsome green eyed guys. He makes me feel so loved and wanted, that any insecurity I could possibly feel, goes out the window anytime he talks to me. He is the man that I have waited for my entire life. He has given me everything. He is the reason we are having out little girl. I'm still pregnant and I already can't wait to have another baby. 

We have been in our new home for about a week and I am so in love with it it's amazing. Ryker's has perfect taste and he picked the perfect house. I was planning to drive to the studio, but my belly made it a little hard to get behind the wheel. I decided to request an Uber, so here I am  sitting and waiting for it to get here.


Hey, boss. I'm here early so I can get  the AC on for you and make sure everything is ready to go 


Thank you! I will be there soon. I'm taking an Uber, I can't get behind the wheel lol my belly is way too big 

 After I sent the text my uber arrived outside the gate, so I got up and walked over there. 

"Hi, I'm Hadley."

"Hello Hadley, I'm John." He responded as I got in. We rode in silence. I never like taking Uber it's honestly so awkward especially when you're alone. I watched the scenery as we drove by, beautiful trees and flowers just before we get into the city. I like that Ryker found a place that wan't in the city, but it also wasn't too far from the city. We are about fifteen minutes outside of Seattle. Before I know it we pulled up outside of the studio.

"Thank you John."

"My pleasure, miss. Have a good day."

"You too." I got out and waddled up the steps to my studio. I love this place. The walls are a bright white. I have three different areas in the studio. There's a waiting area or lobby, there's a room with large windows in case I want natural lighting and then there's a room with no windows where I have my artificial lighting set up.

"Cole! I'm here!" I said when I opened the door.

"Back here Had!" He shouted back. He was in the room with no windows setting up the backdrop holder so that we could put up the one that Valerie is bringing. I can see that the lights are already set up and ready, but they aren't on. Saving electricity.

"Hey, how has your morning been?" I asked

"Pretty good! I brought you a couple donuts and a tea in case you hadn't eaten."

"Thank you, I didn't" I told him sheepishly. I walked over to where he pointed and picked out a donut. A maple bar with a strip of bacon. My favorite. "Mmmmm this is delicious." I told him.

"Yep." He said with a laugh.

"So I've been meaning to ask you, what's going on with you and Serena?" I asked curiously

"Well, I moved into your old room and we have been spending a lot of time together. I honestly think that I am in love with her. I mean I always knew I was attracted to her, but Had she is incredible. She's sweet, and funny, and beautiful, and kind. I can't believe she's letting me spend time with her."

"Have you asked her out yet?" I asked

"Well, no. Not yet. I don't want to make things weird. I don't know if she likes me back and I don't know if I would handle rejection very well."

"She wouldn't reject you. She talks about you a lot to me." I told him honestly.

"Really? What does she say?" 

"Well, she was really really excited for you to move in. She practically pushed me out of the house to make room for you." I told him chuckling. 

"You think I should ask her out?" He asked

"Yes, absolutely."

"What should we do if she says yes?" He asked suddenly looking nervous.

"She's not hard to please, as long as you put a lot of thought into it she will love it. Don't just take her to dinner and a movie." I advised.

"Okay I will think about it. When I come up with something I will run it by you okay?" 

"Sounds good."

"Knock Knock!" I heard a familiar voice say.

"I'll go get them, you stay here and finish your tea." Cole told me and I nodded. "Hi, Welcome to Rose Photography. Hadley is in the other room setting everything up." I heard Cole faintly say. I didn't hear a response so I assume they nodded. 

All of a sudden I heard a really big thump followed by a couple sets of feet. What was that?  I got up to go to the lobby. I looked and I saw Cole laying on the ground with blood trickling down his forehead. My heart dropped.

"Cole?!" I shouted "Cole! Wake up! Please! Oh god!" this can't be happening. What the hell? Where did they go? I start to pull my phone out to call 911

"Don't even think about it, bitch." I heard a menacing voice say behind me before my phone was knocked out of my hand. I got up to turn around but before I could I felt an intense pain on the back of my head and everything went black....

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