Can I See her?

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"This is your mommy, Olivea. She can't open her eyes right now, but she loves you so much. She prayed for you. She wished for you. She's is going to wake up and she is going to be the best mommy you could ever have." I felt a light pressure on my hand. I could tell that Ryker was holding it. He was rubbing his thumb softly over the back of my hand. I need to wake up. I want to see my family. My people.

I heard a cute little cry and the pressure on my hand disappeared. I wish I could be the one making sure she was okay. 

"Any news?" I heard my mom ask after the door opened and closed.

"Nothing yet, but we aren't giving up. It's only been two and a half weeks. She just needs to heal. She will be fine." I heard Ryker tell her. I didn't know if he was trying to reassure my mom or himself. 

"Maybe you should go home and take a shower? Take Olivea home." 

"No. No, we aren't leaving this hospital without Hadley. The doctors said we could stay here. Don't you see that just being near Had is what is keeping Olivea from losing it. She knows that's her mom, she knows that Had wouldn't leave her side so she doesn't want to leave. Have you seen her when the nurses take her to the nursery? She screams the whole time. She's scared for her mom, she doesn't want to leave." he got quieter at the end of his speech.

"She doesn't want to leave her or you don't?" mom asked. I could already tell she has her eyebrow raised in a questioning manner.

"Neither of us want to leave. We aren't going anywhere." He told her leaving no room for argument.

"Okay. She really is beautiful. She looks just like my Rose as a baby. She has your eyes though."

"That's what Hadley wanted. She always told me she hoped Olivea would get my eyes."  He's right I did want that. I need to see her eyes. I need to see his eyes again. I have to wake up.

I heard the door open again and by the footsteps I could tell it was a man. There was the distinct sound of a paper bag rusting and I could smell fries. "Here Ryker, I brought you some food. You need to eat. She will kill us if we let you starve yourself." My dad. Daddy's here. He brought Ryker food.

"He's right."

I heard the bag drop to the floor


Footsteps came closer. "He's right. She will kill you."

"Hadley?" My eyes cracked open shutting again instantly because of the bright light.

"Hmm?" I asked

"Baby? Come on open those beautiful eyes." So I did what he said. I looked at his face noticing the stubble across his chin. I like it.


"Hi!" He grabbed my cheek pressing his lips to mine. I forgot my parents are in the room for a moment. I wanted this moment to last forever.

"How do you feel?" My mom's voice chimed in. "I called the doctor."

"My boobs hurt." I told them. They all laughed. What a beautiful sound. I could listen to that forever. "Where's Olivea?" I suddenly asked, afraid something happened to her. "Is she okay?" I felt my eyes begin to water because of the fear I felt. "I'm sorry I let them hurt her." I cried turning my head away from Ryker. He's going to hate me.

"No, no, no, baby. Princess. She is perfect. She is healthy and she is beautiful. She looks like you." Ryker told me grabbing my chin and making me face him. I looked into his beautiful green eyes and saw the same love that has always been there still shining deep within them.

"Can I see her?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes of course." Before they could bring her over the door opened and in walked Drew wearing a white doctor's coat.

"Hadley, you're awake! How are you feeling?" he asked.

"A little sore, and my boobs hurt, but otherwise I'm okay." I told him honestly. I really don't feel that bad. "How long has it been?" I asked suddenly nervous for the answer. 

"Two and a half weeks." Dad answered 

"I missed the first two weeks of her life?" I asked feeling tears begin to stream down my face.

"Hey, it's okay. It's hard I know baby, but you're here now."

"I'm going to do a quick exam and then you can cuddle your beautiful baby okay?" It wasn't a real question. I knew I didn't have a choice so I just nodded my head begrudgingly.

Drew asked a few questions, made me follow the light, he checked my incision and he did all of the normal tests you see on TV and such. "Everything seems to be really good, Hadley. I'm going to leave you to that little bundle that's been waiting for you." he said walking out of the room

"Help me sit up before you bring her over please." 

"Of course love, here" Ryker helped me get into a comfortable sitting position. "Are you ready?" he asked and I nodded my head eagerly.

"Please." I said quietly. He nodded and walked over to my mom who was holding Olivea. She handed her over and he walked way too slowly over to me with our baby. He gently placed her in my arms and I looked down at my tiny creation. She is beautiful. She has perfect little rosy cheeks and tiny plump lips. Her eyes are close, but I already know she has his eyes. "You are perfect. I have been waiting to meet you my entire life." I told her, ignoring the fact  that we had an audience. I know I was crying, but they weren't tears of pain or sadness, they were tears of pure unadulterated happiness. This is my dream. She is my dream. He daddy is my dream. I looked up at him and saw him looking at us in complete awe. "She has a lot of hair." I commented while feeling her soft, dark locks.

"She looks just like you." He told me. "Are you okay? Are you hurting?" he asked suddenly looking concerned. I think he just noticed that I was crying.

"I'm perfect. I'm just so happy. I have wanted this moment forever." I told him.

I looked down at our beautiful daughter and saw her opening her eyes. I was right. She has his eyes. I assumed she would have blue eyes, the vast majority of newborns have blue eyes, but not her. She has his strikingly green eyes.

"I love you so much Olivea." I told her and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

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