01 | New Friends

353 7 7

Posted: 4/22/19

Art by: Hafuwa

Sorry for any mistakes.


~Y/n's POV~

I walked up to that familiar house . . . well actually it's not that familiar, I've only been here once. I knocked on the door and saw the ACTUALLY familiar girl with orange hair and crimson eyes.

"Y/n you're here!" shouted the familiar orange head. It was none other than my cousin, Lucinda.

"Lucinda, I told you I'd come," I told her nonchalantly. "Besides I need to learn from the master."

"Well follow me, fellow witch," Lucinda cheered happily. I followed her into a nice monotone room.

"This is your room," she presented.

"What?" I was confused.

"Well I have a lot to teach you, so might as well just stay with me," Lucinda said shrugging.

I jumped up and yelled, "Thank you so much!"

"Do you have your stuff?"

"No, because I didn't know I was staying, but here . . ." I held my hands out and started to wave them around. "Appeario!" My bags and things then appeared out of thin air.

"Impressive Y/n, but I have one question."

"Ask away."

"Are you still a demon witch?" Lucinda asked whispering.

I nodded. "I don't think there's a way to get rid of it."

"Okay, I was just wondering because most witches don't learn that spell until they're a little older," Lucinda explained pondering the situation. "You get settled in N/n, I'll be back." Lucinda walked out of the room.

I flopped on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I sighed then looked out a window with a view of Mystreet. I saw a girl with raven hair and hazel eyes approaching the house. Who's that? She looks kind of familiar. I sprinted out of my room, down the stairs, and toward the door.

"Was is it?" Lucinda asked poking her head out from around the corner.

"I saw someone coming toward the house from my window."

"So stalker-ish," Lucinda joked.

The doorbell rang. Lucinda opened the door and the girl greeted Lucinda, "Hi Lucinda!" She looked at me, "Y/n?"

"Yup that's me," I state proudly. She tackled me in a hug, then released.

"It's Aphmau right?" I asked for confirmation. Aphmau nodded. I thought she looked familiar.

"It's so good to see you! Have you seen the others yet?"

"No? I have no idea who the others are. I've only met you before," I stated.

"Then come on! Lucinda come!" Aphmau shouted grabbing my arm dragging me to a red brick house across the street. Lucinda followed giggling.

Aphmau burst into the house, "I HAVE ARRIVED HOME!"

Someone looked startled from what Aphmau had just did. He looked at me.


"Y/n?" He asked getting off the couch and coming over to me. "It's been awhile."

"Yeah it has hasn't it?" I asked sheepishly.

"So how do you two know each other?" Aphmau asked smiling but I could feel the tiniest hint of jealousy radiating off of her.

"Our parents worked together and we've been best friends since we were little," I explained. I felt a little more jealousy, she still smiling. "But he's more like an older brother to me."

"She's like a little sister," Aaron agreed. I felt all the jealousy wash away.

Aphmau took her phone out and then put it away, "There!"

"What?" I asked.

"The others are coming." Just then there was a knocked on the door, Aphmau opened it and people filed into the house.

"Guys this is Y/n, Lucinda's cousin," Aphmau introduced. "Y/n this is Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, Zane, Garroth, Laurance, Dante, and - - -"

~Travis's POV~

~Moments Earlier . . . By That I Mean Like Two Seconds Earlier~

I had filed into Aphmau and Aaron's house with everyone else because I had gotten a text to come here. Someone then caught my eye, a girl. She had h/l h/c hair and beautiful e/c eyes.

"Guys this is Y/n, Lucinda's cousin," Aphmau introduced. "Y/n this is Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, Zane, Garroth, Laurance, Dante, and - - -" I interrupted.

"The name's Travis, but you can call me your future boyfriend," I said winking. I then was slapped to the ground.

"Stop flirting with my cousin," Lucinda said annoyed. I felt a presence near me. I looked up and saw Y/n putting her hand out to help me up. I gratefully grabbed her hand while she helped me up, she giggled.

"What?" I asked obviously confused.

"You got slapped by my cousin," she snickered playfully.

"Y/n I'd suggest you stay away from Travis, he's a Casanova and a pervert," Lucinda warned (Y/N).

"HEY! Blame Dante for me being like this!" I exclaimed trying to defend myself.

"What?! You agreed to listen to me!" Dante shouted at me.

~Y/n's POV~

"What?! You agreed to listen to me!" Dante shouted at Travis.

"Guys, I'll have to see for myself about how he acts. Maybe we could become friends," I said putting an arm on Lucinda's shoulder.

"Ha! I have a chance with her!" Travis shouted.

"I never said that," I snapped annoyed.

"Ahem, Y/n and I should probably get going," Lucinda informed.

"Bye," Everyone said to me.

"Bye Beautiful," Travis said winking then was knocked out by Katelyn.

We left and Lucinda started teaching me a spell, well a healing spell. I wonder if I'll ever need it.


The Demon Witch | Travis ValkrumWhere stories live. Discover now