04 | The Calling

153 4 5

Posted: 5/19/19

Art By: Brooke

Sorry for any mistakes.


~Three Days Later~

~Y/n's POV~

Tomorrow . . . tomorrow is The Calling. I didn't really have to worry about doing anything when I was young. Maybe I'll be treated differently because I'm a demon witch.

Most likely, demons are not used to seeing this type of breed, our species also hasn't met many demon witches before. They didn't really care about you when you were young, you were no threat to anyone.

Gee, thanks. I'm even more nervous since I'm older.

You'll be fine, you're not even going to be in control. I'm pretty tough.

Thanks, also when are you taking over again?

I'm taking over tonight when you're sleeping. It'll be easier for me.

Take a deep breath . . . *Takes Deep Breath*
Okay, now I'm mentally prepared.

~Travis's POV~

I'm ready, I mean my dad IS the second in command of the demons.

Did you hear who's coming this year?

No, who?

I mean she was there last time but she was young and not a threat to anyone.

You still haven't told me who.

I can't tell you her name but it's a demon witch.

What? Those haven't existed for centuries!

I know, but apparently there's one coming to The Calling this year.

She has to though, she's still a demon.

Enough of this. In a few hours I'll be taking over, hope you'll have fun not being in control for five days.

Okay, I'm mentally prepared.

~A Few Hours Later~

~Third Person POV~

It was about 10 pm both Travis and Y/n were asleep. There was a bright blinding light that transformed them both into their demon state.

After they turned into their demon form they both opened a purple portal. They walked into the portal and ended up in the Nether. Y/n was greeted by guards.

~Y/n's Demon's POV~

Oh yay, the guards are here to lead me away now.

"Follow us Demon Witch," one of the guards said before walking towards the castle.

I rolled my eyes and followed. We walked through a small Nether-brick village to the castle. Everyone looked at me in fear. Yes, I look the same but they could feel that my aura was different.

Fear me.

The guards and I went into the castle to the throne room. There on the throne was sitting the Demon King.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you," the Demon King spoke.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too," I bowed. "How did you hear about me?"

"I've always known about you, ever since you were a child. But back then you were no threat."

"Am I a threat now?"

"We'll have to see what you're capable of."

I nodded, "When does this 'Calling' start?"

"About now," he said as he touched his horns. "Now everyone is going to come and you're going to sit next to me." A mini throne was brought in about seven feet from his.

I walked up to the mini throne and sat in it.
Everyone started appearing in the throne room. I was scanning the room until my purple eyes stopped on someone.

~Travis's Demon's POV~

I had felt a weird tingle in my horns so I teleported to where the source was.

I noticed two thrones, one had the Demon King sitting on it and the other had a girl.

I was sitting toward the front in a special section because of my father. The King stood up to get everyone's attention.

"Welcome fellow demons, thank you for all coming. Before we start our gathering I would like to introduce someone," the Demon King announced. "Our third ever Demon Witch."

~Back At Mystreet~

~Lucinda's POV~

I woke up still tired, like usual. After I sat up and stretched I remembered.

Oh, right, Y/n is not here. Maybe I can prepare some more spells for her to learn.

My phone started ringing. I snatched my phone off my nightstand and answered.

L - Lucinda and Aph - Aphmau

L: Hello?

Aph: Hey Lucinda, it's Aphmau!

L: Oh. Hi Aphmau!

Aph: I just want to ask if you and Y/n wanted to come over to hang out.

L: Um, Y/n's out of town at the moment.

Aph: What? Why?

L: She had a witch meeting.

Aph: Wouldn't that mean you go too?

L: The meeting is for beginner witches.

Aph: Oh, makes sense. But can you still come over?

L: Yes, I can. I'll be over in ten minutes.

Aph: See you soon!

L: Bye!

I put down my phone.

Don't worry Y/n, I'll cover for you. See you in four days.


The Demon Witch | Travis ValkrumWhere stories live. Discover now