Chapter 25 - Antonio's Truth... (PART 2)

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SAME DAY - (Tues, 31 March 2020)

Stephano's POV

"Who is he? Don't tell me it's this Mikhail because I will Kill him either way, his going to DIE!" I said through gritted teeth because I have a fucked up feeling that, that's the case and if it is both him and his fucked up father, Antonio WILL DIE TOGETHER BY MY HAND!!!

"Not a Brother, a sister, Gabriela. But I'm getting ahead of myself, so will you let me finish?" My father asks and I swear I saw a small smile grazed his lips when he said her name, my sister, I HAVE A FUCKING SISTER!

"A SISTER?!" I hear Dante shout next to me before I can even answer my father.

"Yes a sister, now will you please let me tell you the other half of the story so you can understand Both your mother and I?" My father asks and I nodded my head while holding my hand up to Dante before he says something again.

"If you want us to understand everything then you will let him finish because we need to hear what he has to say before we can think of taking any action, so shut up Will you" I say to Dante and he just nods his head and went to sit back down again, without a word and then I turned back to my father and nodded at him to continue but he just stared between Dante and I causing me to arch a brow at him in questioning.

"You didn't even need to yell at him, it's like you have this understanding between the two of you that I admire, you really did step up and be the big brother I always wanted you to be" he says with a sad smile and his eyes showed, envy?

"His more of a father to me than you will ever be" Dante says and I could see my father flinch at that, Dante knew that was a low blow and that it would hurt our father and he got what he wanted because my father only nodded his head, with pain visible in his eyes, causing me to turn and glare at Dante because that wasn't necessary.

"Would quit it! That was uncalled for and you know it!" I said and he lowers his head running his hands over his face.

"I'm sorry dad" he said not lifting his head to look at any of us.

"You have nothing to be sorry about because it's the truth but I hope after I explained everything that you would try and understand, and that maybe we can move forward because all I've ever wanted was to be a family again, I want you boys in my life and I hope after you hear everything that you won't continue to hate me because Lord knows how much I love you boys and how proud I am of both of you" my father says with a sad smile, I could see Dante's comment cut him really deep but what my father said made Dante look up at him with tears in his eyes causing Gio to sit next to him and squeeze his shoulder for support but no one said anything, the room fell into a dead silence.

"Let's just continue and we'll talk about our family after, yeah?" I asked my father in nearly a whisper as his words actually hit home and tugged a bit at the heart strings but I wasn't willing to show it yet and he just nodded his head.

"As we were on our way to Caterina's room, I felt lost and broken and I couldn't understand why this kept happening to me, was it because of the way I am? What I do for a living? Or was it just the fact that I wasn't meant to find that one woman that will love me and stand by me, now with all of these questions running through my mind plus the image of them together in bed, fucked me up, which caused me to do something stupid" he says taking a deep breath.

"As soon as we got into her room I grabbed Caterina and pinned her up against the door and kissed her roughly, the way I never kissed her before as I needed to numb the pain I felt, I needed to know that I wasn't died, that I could still feel but seconds into the kiss it turned to passion as the love I once had for Caterina came back in a wave, filling me up but before I could act on those feelings that was suddenly coming back in full force, she pushed me away, breathing heavily she whispered no causing me to back away from her and stumbled my way towards a chair in the room and sat myself down and apologize to her over and over again, until she came and sat next to me and told me not to apologise because she understands that I'm hurt and then the image of your mother with him came back again causing me to cry for the first time in my life that I can remember I cried, I didn't even cry when Caterina left me but I cried like a bitch Because Caterina always made me feel comfortable enough to show my emotions around her, she just had that energy about her and she ended comforting me by holding me" he says with a humourous chuckle shaking his head.

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