Chapter 27 - YOU'VE GOT BALLS...

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SAME DAY - (Wed, 01 April 2020)

Stephano's POV

I was in the security surveillance room with Elijah and Gio, we sat and watched the interaction between Roberto and Stella, and I must say he handled himself well, eventhough we all knew he was broken inside and that this was probably the hardest thing he had to go through, which is why we decided that we would watch him, not that I was afraid he would betray me, it was so we can make sure he doesn't do anything HE WILL REGRET, and if it's something he needs to do, then so be it but atleast we will know when to step it so we can be there for him.

But after we got the locations we could see where this was heading, so Gio, Elijah and I stepped out as we definitely didn't want to watch that but I had a gaurd watch over the monitor to make sure he doesn't get distracted, giving her an opportunity to strike because Stella isn't a normal woman, she doesn't just have a bitchy attitude, she literally is a badass bitch, hence the reason why he fell in love with her. We decided to grab a drink while we wait for THAT to be over. As we were waiting Kiara came in and I checked my watch only to see that it's after 7AM in the morning.

"Morning boys" she says sweetly as I stood up and made my way towards her.

"Morning" they said in unison. "Morning beautiful, why are you up this early?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around her and pecking her but before she could answer the gaurd came running and shouting, alerting us all as I immediately shoved Kiara behind me.

"BOSS YOU GOTTA COME QUICK!" The gaurd shouted

"What's going on!" I asked so I can make sure Kiara is safe first.

"You gotta get to the lock up he asked her why she lied and he has an axe next to him boss, you gotta come quick" The gaurd says frantically and I visibly relaxed, knowing there isn't any danger near.

"WHAT? You kidding me right? Let him kill her, I don't give a shit! You were suppose to watch her to make sure she doesn't try anything, he can do whatever he wants" I told the gaurd and he looked at me shocked.

"Steph are you sure that's best, what if the locations she gave isn't the right ones, don't you think it would be wise to keep her alive until we find him?" Elijah says and I turned to look at him.

"No I don't think that's WISE at all, you see Stella is fucking with us. She literally lied to him knowing we're watching, the reason she gave us, is far from the reason she gave him. We will check those locations but I can gaurentee you now, we won't find him there, and keeping her alive is what she's hoping for, she wants time so she can come up with a plan, Stella is a manipulative bitch and if he wants her dead then so be it!" I said and then turned back to the gaurd. "Go back to your damn post and report something that's actually useful and don't ever scare my wife like that again!" I said and then turned to Kiara who visibly relaxed in my hold when she heard that it was something in lock up.

"His right you know" we all heard and looked up only to see Roberto shirtless and bloodied, obviously Stella's blood, I just shook my head because I knew he will lose it, we mafia men do not handle betrayal well.

"What the fuck did you butcher her?!" Gio asks with a chuckle causing me to chuckle with him.

"Nah, I wanted to but I opted for butchering her Asshole and then beheaded her" he says proudly and we all burst out laughing at his expression and him saying it like it's nothing at all.

"What the hell are you all laughing about? He just said he chopped her head off and fucked her in the ass!"  Kiara yelled at all of us causing our laughter to die down, I Know why she is acting that way because anal has become a very sensitive subject for my wife.

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