It has been 3 months since Kiara left Stephano, who has long term memory loss. He...
Hey guys just a reminder as I said in the previous two Chapters the upcoming chapter will be "torturous" meaning it will contain STRONG LANGUAGE, VIOLENCE AND EXPLICIT CONTENT (E.G Explicit images) that might offend or in a lame term, it might gross you out so please be advised no persons under the age of 18 is to read this chapter, If horror, violence and drama isn't your thing, then please do not read, you are welcome to skip the Chapter as it will mostly be about Stephano settling some score with SCUM that he has unfinished business with and we all know how that will go down, so hold on to your seats Because this chapter will definitely leave you all grossed out because he will once again show y'all why his the most ruthless and deadliest man in the world 😏 Well that's it from me for now, remember YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED 😉 SO PLEASE DO NOT BE SPITEFUL IN REPORTING ME... AGAIN, THANKS 😉
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NEXT DAY - (Sat, 18 July 2020) EARLY MORNING
Stephano's POV
After the dramatic morning we had yesterday, I had decided to stay home and spend yet another day with my family but I didn't mind one bit because the twins are over the moon when their daddy is home. It brings me great joy to know that my family wants me around and if I grant them that, it excites them To no end and it brings me amends joy to know that I have a family that only needs my presence to make them happy.
So I ended up playing with the twins as well as spend time with Bella, which consisted of feeding, changing, bathing and putting her to sleep but I didn't mind I still got my fill of holding her, and then of course once the kids were put to their afternoon nap, I got to spend that time with my wife, and did the same the evening once the kids were put to bed, we spend hours together talking about everything and nothing really, just holding one another and enjoying each other's company because unfortunately I couldn't do anything other than talking, no matter how much I wanted too.
When the kids were playing in the playroom with Clarissa getting her fix of the joy it is to spend time with them and my wife taking a little nap while Bella was asleep, I decided to call an afternoon meeting at my home office in the Estate, so I can catch up on the business and my legal businesses as well, and also to be updated on the properties of Mikhail that Tim filled Dante in on. We also caught up with the books and we went through a few of Mikhail's files as well.
During the meeting, The guys asked when I'll be going to the safehouse and when I told them that I'll be going this morning, all of them said they don't have any plans for the weekend so they will be accompanying me. I knew they only said that because they didn't want to miss Mikhail's demise, but I didn't mind because I knew they wanted the pleasure of watching him suffer just like I do. I told them that I'll be leaving after breakfast but this morning when I woke up, I remembered that I had to deal with someone I had completely forgotten about but I still had the events of that day when he fucked with what's mine, in the back of my mind and I knew it was time to settle that score once and for all, while at the same time give him his first and only warning as well as enjoy doing it too.