Chapter 21 - Guess who I found?

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Hey guys before you read this chapter I want to take the time to dedicate this chapter to one of my very first readers whose birthday it was yesterday mstanley93 👑 I'm sure by the time this chapter is out her birthday would have been long past already and I'm so sorry I missed it by a few hours, Happy Belated birthday Maddie!!! May the almighty grant you many more years to come and I hope you had a fantastic day and that you were spoiled rotten 😘💜 I hope I'm forgiven for being late though😫 I just had a very shitty past few days which is also the reason why I'm late with this chapter but it won't happen again as I will be updating daily for this week, my way to make it up to all of you 😉 hopefully I'll be forgiven.🙈

Anyways that's all for now please do enjoy the VERY long chapter I had written 😉




2 WEEKS LATER - (Mon, 30 March 2020)

Roberto POV

For the past 3 weeks I have been helping Elijah searching for Stella and he had agreed that I check out the place we last located her at, first before we inform Steph but when I got there, she was nowhere to be found but I decided to comeback to this place everyday as Steph had given me my freedom two weeks ago after I took him to retrieve his family heirloom, so now I'm living in one of his houses here in New York and he had also agreed to let me come and go at the safehouse as I pleased until we find Stella and Mikhail and then we'll talk about us and where I stand with the family.

I'm not sure if I want back in, all I know is that I need to make things right and the only way to do that is to help them find the love of my life whom betrayed me, I'm in the middle of a hard place and a rock at the moment, in plain English I'm fucked because I'm trying to be strong and pretend that this doesn't affect me in the least but behind closed doors I'm losing my shit because the woman that has my heart, is being hunted by a man I consider a Brother and I know I must help him but at the same time how can I help him find her when I know what will happen to her when he does.

I'm currently infront of this apartment we think she's staying at, Waiting for any type of movement, honestly everytime I come here, a part of me hopes that today isn't the day she shows up because then my loyalty will really be tested Because if I turn her in, it will break me that much I know and if I don't, Steph will think that he cannot trust me and that would end with me being on the run again because sure enough he'll hunt me down until he kills me. So everyday when I come here I sit with the same questions on my mind, who Do I choose? My life OR the love of my life, the same woman who betrayed me? And everytime I come up with the same answer, I DON'T A FUCK KNOW! But I guess we'll find out as soon as I find her and I will. I was brought out of my thoughts when I noticed the lights switching on in the apartment Stella use to live in or still living in.

Deciding I'll wait a bit and watch for any moment, incase it isn't her and if it's not I'll be following whoever they are because there's a big possibility that they would lead me straight to where she is. Mikhail isn't stupid, he knows Steph got his man Simon, so he probably went into hiding and maybe took her with him or instructed her on doing the same, either that or she's dead Because she couldn't have stayed hidden for the past 3 weeks without us being able to trace her but it seems luck is on my side because whoever that is, will lead me to her or Mikhail himself.

I was waiting for nearly 2 hours and still no one came out and then I noticed the lights being switched off and the door opening revealing a very familiar woman, Carla... Stella's sweet cousin, of course I should have known she would run to Carla, if I wasn't so in love with Stella back then, I sure as hell would've hooked up with her instead as she is the sweetest little thing I've ever met, if you look past the badass look she's got going on.

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