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Hey guys 🙋 So like I said before, this chapter will too contain STRONG LANGUAGE AND EXPLICIT CONTENT (Steph's last POUNDING scene😂) So please be advised no persons under the age of 18 are to read the following as it'll get pretty dirty and hot 😂 SO BE AWARE!!! If this type of thing isn't for you, then please do us all a favor and move along 😉 Because this is Steph and Kiara's last intimate chapter and it's a must that I end it with a BANG!!! (double meaning 😂) I hope you enjoy the Chapter and that you read it with an open mind and just so you know the chapter will only be based on the couple, but there will be a little build up for book 3 so look out for that as the 3rd Chapter of Book 3 will continue where this epilogue ends 😉 Anyways remember no persons under the age of 18 are to this, you have been WARNED!!!

Hey guys 🙋 So like I said before, this chapter will too contain STRONG LANGUAGE AND EXPLICIT CONTENT (Steph's last POUNDING scene😂) So please be advised no persons under the age of 18 are to read the following as it'll get pretty dirty and hot �...

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Stephano's POV

This is the first morning I actually tried to sleep late, not because I'm tired or because my wife is still next to me, which she isn't because my darling wife woke up before the sun even rose yet, why you might ask is because she is so hiped up about the twins' 5th birthday that's tomorrow, that she couldn't sleep a wink last night and jumped up this morning like a ball of energy, much to my annoyance.

Why you might ask again, well I am excited for my babies birthday but what I am NOT looking forward to, is the big shopping trip my wife has planned for her and I... TODAY, hence the reason why I'm pretending to be so tired and want to sleep in this morning, not that I think it'll work because when that woman set her mind on something, there is no way of changing it, unless it involves our intimate moments of course because then she'll happily allow me to change her mind. She is the most stubborn woman I've ever met, and dare you try to refuse her, she'll have your balls served to you on a golden platter.

"You can quit pretending to be asleep and get your ass up and in that bathroom before I bring the shower to you, and don't think for a second I wouldn't, the kids and I are waiting for you to join us for breakfast!" I heard my wife's voice coming from the foot of the bed, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I'll be down shortly" I grunted out without looking her way.

"I'll wait for you then, no problem" she says and then I felt the dip at the foot end of the bed and I groaned out loud.

"I don't understand why you left the shopping for the day before the twins' birthday, not to mention the fact that you could have easily send someone to get you everything you need or taken Zee up on her offer to accompany you, why must it be me, you know how I feel about shopping" I said putting emphasis on the last words, it's not that I don't want to do this but I was actually looking forward to handling the set up out back in the garden area myself, not to be roaming around a damn Mall.

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