Chapter 19 - I FUCKED UP...

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Hey guys before you dive into this chapter I need to warn you...

This up coming chapter will be of a mature nature, please be advised no persons under the age of 18 is to read this chapter as it will have STRONG LANGUAGE AND EXPLICIT CONTENT (DEFINITELY SEX THIS TIME😁😋). If you're under the recommended age PLEASE DO NOT READ! If you are of age but sex scenes or explicit mature content is not for you, then I would highly recommend that you skip this chapter as it is solely based on the two main characters and their love for each other (in a sick way😂 SO PAY CLOSE ATTENTION!) apart from the beginning of the chapter. And keep in mind if you do skip the chapter you will miss important content that will be discussed and that will be revealed. And PLEASE.... KEEP AN OPEN MIND WHEN READING THIS CHAPTER AND REMEMBER MY WORDS, NOT EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS WHAT IT SEEMS, SO DO. NOT. JUMP TO ANY CONCLUSIONS! As you all know me, I shall reveal all in due time 😉

Well that's it from me, for now atleast 😏. Just remember you have been WARNED 😉

 Just remember you have been WARNED 😉

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NEXT DAY - (Sat, 07 March 2020)

Dante's POV

I was waiting for Steph to come out of his room as I need to speak to him but he still haven't come down, I needed some advice as I don't know what to do anymore. When I watched my brother and his wife yesterday I saw the strong love and affection they had towards each other so much so that even with them being in a torture cell with all of us present, they disappeared into their own bubble and it was like everything and everyone didn't exist in that moment. I've never seen Steph happier than what he is since he met Kiara, and don't get me started on when she walks into the room, then it's like he can't focus on anything else other than her, it's as clear as day that Kiara is my brother's world and I can't help but envy him.

When I wanted to speak to him yesterday after Kiara left Gio stopped me, saying that Steph takes a few hours to gather himself after taking a life and I couldn't believe that I didn't know that and I'm his second in command but I didn't feel to bad about it because Gio is like his damn twin, always have been. It doesn't bother me though because Steph was always like my dad and bestfriend than anything else, eventhough his only 2 years older. According to Gio Steph takes time to get back to himself as he doesn't like taking a life, unless he has no other choice or in this case, you fucked with him but that doesn't mean it doesn't affect him, mentally.

So I didn't bother him yesterday infact none of us saw him, not even his wife. After putting on my big boy pants I walked towards his door and knocked on the door, seconds later Steph pulled the door open, but he was on the phone so I walked in quietly and shut the door behind me.

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