at the con

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"Okay let's leave!" I screamed running out the house with my bag on my back.

"You're driving?" Jordan spoke as we walked out the door and her locking the door.

"Duhh it's my baby."

We hoped in my prized possession, a '67 Chevy impala, yes the one known for being in supernatural.

As we pull up, music blaring we find a parking spot, we run inside. We separated planning to meet up later when the panel starts. When I turned around a man in sun glasses and a ball cap ran into me.

"Damn, I'm so sorry. I was in a rus— woah that's a cool outfit." The stranger spoke.

"It's okay and thanks.." I said looking down at the black widow costume.

When I looked up, he already took his glasses off, we locked eyes. I was staring into his two deep blues pools until I realize it was Sebastian Stan.

"Woah," I whispered.

He cracked a smile and said, "I can say the same. You are.. breathtaking." I blushed at his words as Chris Evans came running out to get him.

"Hey, Seb we have to g— ohh," he looked between us, and smirked, "So hi I'm Chris but I'm pretty sure you know that, what's your name?" He asked holding out his hand as I blushed even darker than the the red wig I have on.

"Castiel, but everyone calls me Cas," I shook his hand.

"Well we have to go get ready but I'm sure Sebastian here would like to see you later, isn't that right Sebastian?" Chris smirked, nudging his shoulder.

"Yea- yeah I would. Umm bye though," he cleared his throat.

As y'all went different ways your phone rung. Jordan's name popped up so you hit the answer button.

"Where are you? Imma start heading to the panel hall." She told you.

"Yeah Okay on my way," still in a daze you hung up.

Looking back to where Sebastian and Chris went through you smiled and walked off to J.


Wow that girl was so beautiful. I keep looking back at her as Chris dragged me off. I couldn't stop smiling.

"Okay dude stop with being so cheesy and in love we have to go to the panel," he laughed at me.

"I don't know what it was I just felt a spark with her," I said and blushed as he look at me laughing still.

"You know him as Captain..."

"I gotta go, bye, get ready to head out," He gave me a pat on the back and left.


"You know him as Captain..."

I looked at Jordan because I know she loves Chris. We were close to the front on the third row and she had took her mask off gnawing at him. I shake my head laughing. When I hear his name being called I looked up to see him scanning the room.

I looked up and waved when we locked eyes. I felt my breath hitch as he smiled at me and Jordan had to snap me of my trance.

"What was that about?" She questioned.

"Well I kinda met them before coming in me.." I whispered out.

"WHAT!?" She jumped up.

"SIT THE FÜCK DOWN YOU HOE!" I whispered yelled trying not to cause anymore attention than already.

"Hey, Cas right? And who's your friend?" Chris spoke up.

Both Seb and I started blushing as Jordan spoke up, "My names Jordan hot stuff," she smirked as we both sit back down.

"Okay questions, anyone? Please," Chris said with a tint of pink on his face.

As questions when flying by Jordan raised her hand. When they chose her she spoke, "Castiel has a question," she spoke aloud, "now, say your question," she whispered to me.

I stood up and uttered, "if you were a chair, who would you want to sit on you?" I calmed my breathing and waited for an answer.

Everybody got quite and both men turned a weird shade of pink. The host started laughing, "I think you stunned the Winter Solider and Captain America."

Evans spoke first, "I have no answer for this." Then turned to Seb.

"You, of course!" Okay he's being cocky now.

Everyone in the room, even back stage, started hooping and hollering at his answer. He only winked and smirked at me while moving on the the next question.

"Why would you let me ask that?"

"Because.." she said and listened to the rest of the panel.

Like and comment :) or don't cuz ik I only like rarely

till next time 😘

At a Con // Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now