its a date

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As time went on in between each take, Sebastian and Castiel would always look at each other... until somebody cleared their throat each time. *Cough* ROBERT DOWNEY MF JR. *Cough*

Nobody knew why he keep on ruining their moment, but he just felt he had to protect Cas. He never had this feeling over anyone before.


'Sebastian is so hot. And with his hair all long, ughhh!" I ranted in my mind. Sebastian and I keep staring at each other between between every take being shot. For some reason Robert keep getting in our line of vision or would cough and clear his throat to get our attention. I see him a father figure, just in the time I was here.

Everybody is so nice and funny. I don't understand how any work gets done with Anthony making a joke— Sebastian adding on to the joke and Chris.. well Chris goes in to full body laugh where he ends up holding his left breast.

'Bïtch what the fück? BÏTCH WHAT THE FÜCK!? He really does that' I thought to myself.

Everybody joins in on the laughters, I let out a small giggles. As soon as the sound traveled Sebastian looked over at me, his smile becoming wider, love in his eyes.

-time skip-

"Okay, so Castiel you will start makeup tomorrow. Come in around 4:30 so we can start at the earliest." One of the managers told me.

"Yes Sir and thank you again," speaking with pure honesty lacing your voice. Y'all both split was as you started talking to your car.

On your way their you heard Sebastian's voice, " Wait! Cas?!" You slowed your walking pace turning around, seeing him in a full sprint.

A smile cracked through your lips, "Ya?" You spoke as soon as he was in hearing reach.

"Umm.." He really didn't think this out, rubbing the back of his neck, "would you like to go on a date with me? Saturday, our free day?" He asked.

Before you can speak he cut you off, "I mean you don't have to say yes. I just think that you seem really interesting and I wanna get to know you more, but you don't have to say yes.." he ranted on.

I shut him up by pulling on his shirt collar connecting our lips together. "Does that answer your question?" I whispered as he pulled us closer, with no space in between.

"Nope," his voice was husky with fault of the kiss, "I think you need to do it again so I can understand," voice becoming more huskier.

After reconnecting the lustful and loving kiss Seb spoke up, "So what time should I pick you up?"

"Here," writing down your number on his hand, "don't lose it," winking as you walked away.

"It's a date!" He screamed out to you.

"That indeed!" Replied opening your car door, starting her up listening to the most beautiful sound of her purring.


'OMFG, Cas is kissing me! Oh shït she's a good kisser.' I though getting caught up in the kiss.

"Does that answer your question?" Shït her voice was so hot. It came out raspy and in a whisper.

"Nope," I licked my lips wanting to remember her taste, "I think you need to do it again so I understand," smirking down at her.

I pulled her closing starting the kiss back up, tugging at her bottom lip we finally pulled away. She wrote her number on my hand so we can figure out the details, "It's a date," screaming out to her.

Her head snapped to me as she got into her car, "That indeed!" 'She really is super hot, and her driving around a badäss act like that.'

I did a little happy dance walking back to set. I ran and jumped on Chris' back laughing and smiling.

"And what got you in a good mood?" Chris wondered.

"Cas," I sighed out, thinking about that kiss.

"She said yes to the date, I suppose?" I returned an eager nod back.

"And she kissed me! God her lips and so soft and taste like chocolate covered strawberries. God Chris.." he cut me off.

"God dude?! She got you whipped and y'all aren't even dating yet," he laughed.

As the rest of the group form, a conversation came up started by Scarlett, "Does anybody else think Robert and Cas kinda look alike?"

"I was asking Sebastian the same thing!" Chris jumped up and down, point to me.

"Yeah he did ask me that, I mean i see it but nothing major," replying nonchalant. 'Man she soo pretty,' I thought back to Cas laughing and smiling.

As I was in a dazing thinking about Cas they continued to have the conversation about you and Robert looking alike.

"We should just ask Robert," Mackie spoke breaking my trance.

"Let's go!" Chris ran off to Robert's mansion trailer thing I guess. With all of us chasing after him.


Castiel had me thing about what she said during lunch. I mean everything added up with the time and age.

I went and google her on my laptop. Crazy and pretty stalker-ish thing to do I know I just had to find out. After some time to find the correct one I started reading. I went straight to finding her parents names. The dad was listed as unknown with a blank picture and her mother, Ashly Collins, and her picture was so familiar. I know her!

I grabbed out my phone and went to find her number. I needed to text and talk to her. Just as I shut my laptop and dialed the number, 3 doofus' and Scarlett came running in. I turned off my phone and looked at them.

"Don't they look alike?" Chris held up his phone next to my face.

I looked over and saw a picture of Castiel in Instagram. So they thought it, too.

After a few minutes of agreeing and arguing I decided to break it up, "What is this about?"

"You and Cas look so much alike," Scar said looking back at the phone and me.

"Hmm.. okay well I have to go so get out!" I pushed them out packing my stuff walking to my car.

I was determining if I should call the number or not. 'Maybe tomorrow,' I decided clearing my mind going home.


I got home getting a text, "It's Sebastian. Text me in the morning so can figure out the details. Goodnight<3''

I reply saying, "okay, goodnight Seb xoxo''

What a goodnight indeed.

At a Con // Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now