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It was around 2 in the morning when Castiel got up running to the bathroom puking out her guts. Jordan came in not to long after holding Cas' hair, rubbing her back.

"Come on let's go put you back to bed," Jordan spoke in a caring mother voice, the she only used to Cas either sick or crying.

As Jordan put her back in bed she ran back in the bathroom, getting a small wet towel and a throw-up bucket. Placing the towel in her forehead and the bucket next to her, she continued to clean the bathroom.


I woke up with my throat aching and head pounding. Out of no where I shot up to the bathroom. 'UGHHH, why am
I feeling like this?' I groaned.

I felt my hair get pulled back and my back being rubbed. Jordan cooed in my ear, saying it was gonna be okay. "Come on let's go put you back to bed," she spoke so nice and loving to me. After some time I felt something wet on  my forehead.

I watched to tell Jordan 'thank you' but everything ached. In no time I fell back asleep.


When I woke up I say it was already 12ish, I shot up and Jordan came push me back down.

"No, no, no, no," Jordan rushed out, "don't do anything. Lay back down and rest. I got sprite and crackers, movies and blankets all set up."

"What about the convention?" I got back up.

Which only led to her pushing me back down, "No you're sick. Lay down." She ordered.

"At least you go," I compromised.

"No if we can't go together, I won't go at all. It's the last day anyway." J stated, and we spend all day watch Marvel movies.


I looked all around for Cas and Jordan. 'Where are they?' And as if Chris read my mind he spoke to me, "Do you see the girls?"

"Nope," I sighed out, feeling a little down.

I realized that I shouldn't be sad over one girl I just met this weekend, I blew a raspberry thinking of that.

After some time a was signing a few pictures and got.. a bottle of lube? 'Wow, my fans are weird'.

The day went by slow, slower than anything I ever experienced. I dubbed my hands down my face and let out a long sigh.

"Come on just a few more people and then we can go," Chris tried to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, thanks."

After a few more people and a few gifts from my fans I was getting tired. "Last person," I said to the last group of girls.

We talked a few minutes until our manager told us it was time to go. We said our goodbyes and grab everything ready to leave. 

"It must have been a good reason why they weren't here," Chris spoke, throwing his arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah I guess so," I said, leaving.


At a Con // Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now