Secrets Out

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lol time to update this story to who ever still reads it :)
sorry with not updating :/
I was taking Robert home when he keep mumbling.

"I'm so sorry, she my daughter and I never told her," he started to cry a little, "her mother died and i'm her only parent left, but i still haven't told her."

'What?! Who is he talking about?! He had a daughter?!' I thought to myself, freaking out a little.

"Robert, what are you talking about?" I questioned him.

"Cas," he sighed out, "her mother called before to tell me to watch her. Now she's going and i'm her only family left. And she doesn't know," he cried even harder.

"Oh my.."

I woke up with heavy arms around me. I looked up seeing a handsome Romanian prince. His warm embrace made me move closer into his chest.

"Good morning," he spoke, pressing a light kiss to your forehead.

Blush you also told him a 'good morning' with your face in the crook of his neck.

After a few minutes you got up walking into the bathroom and getting dressed.

"Come on let's make breakfast," you told him throwing him some giant sweat pants and a huge hoodie, both looking two sizes to small.

Walking to the kitchen y'all grabbed the pans and ingredients needed. You started on the pancakes as Sebastian did the eggs and bacon.

With three pancakes of each of the two pans you stated cutting up some fruit. Strawberries, bananas, grapes, apples and watermelon. (a/n bro just writing this i'm hungry asf lol).

Hearing footsteps come up you took out a few plates. Plating the pancakes and getting out the syrup, Jordan walked in with Chris following.

Chris wrapped one on Jordan's robes Sebastian started laughing. Turning off the fire to the bacon and eggs he turned leaning against the counter.

"What are you wearing," he asked Chris, suppressing the laugh that was fighting its way through.

"Something better than you, yours looks like it's for a midget," he sassed back.

"Hey! The girl like seeing my muscles through the clothes," he winked at you, "i mean, look at my butt pop out," he turned around wiggling it, causing everyone to laugh.

"Let's eat, we don't have to be at work till 10 today," you said it was only 8.

Sitting down to eat Chris asked "How do y'all not have hangovers?"

"I got used to them, since Cas always drinks to get drunk and we made that promise," Jordan said looking at you.

Both men looked at you, shrugging you answered, "Never got them, but i do love drinking," chewing the rest of bacon and drinking your milk.


After breakfast, putting the plates in the sink you and Jordan got dressed driving both mean to their house to get ready for work.

Arriving ten minutes early, you went to the makeup trailer to get everything ready.

All of y'all, Chris, Jordan, Sebastian and yourself walked around set for a while, saying hey yo everybody until it was time to get to work.

"Come on, to do your makeup," you pulled Seb with you, "Come on you to love birds," you yelled to the other two who followed.

As y'all walked in Robert was right behind. You could see the bags under his eyes. Looking at him you felt a pang if sadness and and guilt, he was you father and never said anything. The other makeup artist got to work as you did yours. Jordan commenting on anything and everything.



After a few scenes shot it was time for Robert and Tom to do there little part. Scarlett called over everyone from before, to tell them the secret.

"Y'all Cas is Roberts daughter!" she whispered yelled.

"What?!" everyone pretty much said.

"Yeah when I was taking him home, he said he was sorry for not telling her he's her father."

"Oh my god," Sebastian muttered, what the freaking hell.

666 words
^^please tell me somebody understands this reference
but anyways sorry it's short, but i mean it's an update :)
bye bye,, peace out,, gotta blast

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