The new demigod

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"Thank the lord I thought we would never get out of there alive" I exclaimed with a sigh of relief to my best friend Blaire. Mrs.Smith had finally let us out of her torture room that was called the science classroom. Don't get me wrong, I love science but sadly I have the worst science teacher on the face of the Earth. I probably knew more science than she did. All we do in her class is read our science book and answer questions and today was no exception.

"I know right? How long did she talk about her cats today?" giggled Blaire. I met her since I was 6 at a summer day camp and we were friends immedeatly. We were both now 14, Blaire just 8 months older than me, and we were still best friends, actually more like sisters.

"To gym class!" I yelled dragging her along while I pointed to the gym room. "Why the hurry Paige?" stated Blaire. "The room isn't going anywhere". "Yeah but today we get to play that game where we hit people with those pool noodles" I replied which made Blaire run faster. I know what you're thinking Why are two 14 year old girls getting excited over swimming noodles? the reason is because it is our favorite game in P.E. It is the only game where you can hit someone and run away laughing without getting in trouble, besides duck,duck,goose but we never get to play that game.

We quickly hurry to the girl's locker room to change into our P.E clothes and then raced each other to the gym. We were one of the first people in the gym besides the donner twins (they bring a whole new definition to teachers pet) a few boys and girls in my math class and the new kid Leo. He has curly brown hair that is always messy and brown eyes. As I look over at him I notice that he is staring at me and Blaire. I feel a little awkward but I'm not surprised. Blaire is the most beautiful girl at our school and everyone knew that. She had golden blonde hair that reached her waist and bright blue eyes and tiny freckles across her nose. She was tall and athletic too. She was basically a barbie doll (but if you called her that to her face you might get a black eye). My dirty blonde hair that reaches right under my armpit and deep blue eyes were nothing compared to her appearence but I didn't mind.

I was used to boys staring at Blaire but the way Leo was staring at her was somehow different. He wasn't just staring at her, he was staring at me too and not in the admiring way that most guys stared at Blaire, but in a curious way like how you would observe a squirrell outside, wondering what it might do next. I quickly turned my head so I couldn't see him staring anymore. Some people at school called him the strange new kid because he always wore a tool belt and his hair was usually covered with oil from machines. Also no one knew anything about his past but no one doubted his mechanic skills. Once he fixed a computer that was supposedly destroyed for one of our teachers. Even though he had only been at our school for two weeks, everybody knew him.

Finally everyone had arrived in the gym and we ran to the bucket to get a noodle to use during the game. there were 3 different colors blue,green and red. Blaire and I always picked blue. Just as we were about to start the game the far right wall bursts open. Everyone screamed and ran to the other side of the room including Blaire but I just stood there watching, curious to see what would come out of the newly destroyed wall.

You see, when I was born I was born without something that everybody else had. It's called common sense. When most people hear a loud bang and see a wall collapse they run to the other side of the room because of the thing called common sense but seeing as I don't have that I just stood there like an idiot waiting to see what would come out of that hole.

After the dust cleared a figure emerged. it deffinitely wasn't human. It looked like a bull but it stood on only 2 legs and the other 2 legs that it was supposed to have looked more like arms. "Minotaur" Leo mumbled from beside me. I didn't notice him standing there before. Maybe he was born without common sense too. "Everyone get out of the gym" he yelled very loudly. It's amazing to see how many kids will listen to another kid when they are scared and don't know what to do. Everyone filed out of the room except Blaire who just stared at the bull and shouted "What the heck is that!" just as the bull started running at me and Leo.

Leo jumped to the side and surprisingly I did too. It kept running right to Blaire who was right behind us with a terrified look on her face and picked her up. She screamed. I ran up to the bull whose backside was now facing me and started smacking it with the noodle yelling "put her down!". The bull paused and turned to face me. It dropped Blaire who thankfully had a mat under her to break her fall and turned towards me.

As if on cue I ran sprinting to the other side of the gym with the bull chasing me. Once I got to the other side I jumped onto the bleachers which were right now pulled all the way in so it was like one giant step. I quickly scrambled up it while the bull started to try to climb it when out of the corner f my eye I see Leo pulling something out of his toolbelt. It looked like a hammer. "Hey cow face!" he yelled which got the bulls attention. He then threw the hammer which hit the bull square in the face.

The bull roared loudly then ran after Leo who was already climbing the bleachers. "Mind if I join you?" he asks as he runs beside where I am. "Can you get anything from that toolbelt?" I ask still shocked that he could fit a hammer in there. "Yeah, it's kind of magical". he answered.

Since I was in such a shock from the bull I didn't question it. I reached my hand in his toolbelt and said "give me a sword" "a celestial bronze sword" Leo interrupted. I had no idea what celestial broze was but I pulled out my hand and got my answer. It looked like material I had never seen before.

All of the sudden I heard Blaire's voice which knocked me out of my staring. "I'll distract the bull while you kill it" she yelled as she began hitting the bull with the noodle that she still had in her hand. The bull began chasing Blaire around the room. "Bring it closer to the bleachers Blaire" I yelled as she turned towards the bleachers. Just as the bull is just under where I am on the bleachers, I jump on it and plunge my sword in its' back.

All of the sudden the bull roars and turns into golden dust which sends me flying backwards. Luckily, Leo is there and he catches me before I can have a rough landing. As he puts me down Blaire goes storming up to him "What the heck was that thing and why did it look like you had seen it before!" I turned to him wondering the same thing. He looks at both of us and replies "I will answer all of your questions later. Right now we have to get to camp".

The new demigod's questWhere stories live. Discover now