Welcome to Camp Half Blood

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"So what is this camp you keep talking about?" Blaire asks Leo as he leads us into a cab. It didn't look like regular New York cabs. It looked much older and their were 3 old ladies in the front. Leo whisperes something to the ladies and they smirk. I catch one of them saying the word "demigod". I decide I am going to ask Leo about that later. We had gotten out of school but not as easily as I thought it would be. The kids from P.E class kept calling us horrible monsters and said they called the police. I was so confused.

While we were running away from them Leo explained that the mist made them see something else. Instead of seeing us saving them, they saw us as the threat. We ran for a while till we got to the main part of New York and Leo hailed the strange looking taxi. Me and Blaire were both exausted from all that running but as the driver lady sped away that exhaustion turned into fear.

The lady was driving faster than 200 mph! I dont know a lot about speed limits but I'm pretty sure we were going faster than it. "It's a camp for kids like us" Leo answeres Blaire. "What do you mean kids like us? Are we crazy?" I ask. Leo laughes at me and says "No you're not crazy well, you seem pretty sane. I'll let Chiron answer these questions. He is the activities director and our camp director is Mr.D" he says as he looks out the window.

"This is our stop" he exclaimes, how he could tell I don't know. We were going so fast all I see is blurs. As we get out I notice 2 very big birds coming towards us. Leo lookes up and sees them. His smile dissapeares and turnes into a terrified expression. "RUN!" he shouts at us. I didn't need to be told twice. I sprint up the hill to where a sign is. It had wierd symbols on it but somehow I knew it said "Camp Half-Blood". What the heck does half-blood mean? I think to myself as we keep running, we are almost at the top of hill. Suddenly, I hear Leo cry out in pain.

I turn around and see him clutching his arm while one of those bird things startes to fly at him again. "No!" I shout and run over to where Leo is and hold up my sword that I still had from earlier. I start swinging the sword at it, hitting it every time and every time it tried to hit me I dodged it. I let my body do the work and shut my brain down.

After a while the birds got tired and slow. When I think they are far enough and slow enough I grab Leo by his unhurt arm and drag him up the hill. "We just have to get past the sign and then were safe" he manages to say.

We are almost there when the birds dive at us. Quickly, I push Leo past the sign. He lets out a cry and falls but he is behind the sign so he was safe. Just as I am about to pass the sign one of the birds swipes at me and gets me in the side of my stomach. I let out a scream and fall.

Luckily, I got past the sign before I fell. "Paige!" Blaire shouts running towards me. She kneels down next to me and looks at the wound that was seeable through the tear in my shirt where I was cut. It stung like crazy and felt like poisen in my stomach.

Just then a boy runs up to me. He has messy brown hair and sea green eyes. He wasn't bad looking. "Someone get the girl and Leo some ambrosia" he shouts at the croud of people that are there that I didn't notice before. Someone hands what lookes like a lemon bar and he handes it to me. 

I stuff it in my mouth and I am overwhelmed with sweetness. It tastes like the homeade brownies I used to get at a bakery. My stomach suddenly stops hurting and feels brand new. "Wow that was really good" I exclaim. The boy laughs at my expression and says "I'm Percy Jackson". He looks like a pretty average 16 year old. "Im Paige Ross" I say smiling back at him.

Leo then walks over to me and asks if I'm okay. "why did you save me?"  he asks suddenly. I honestly don't know why I did, I just couldn't bear the thought of him dying when I could do something about it. Especially after all he did for me and Blaire but I couldn't tell him that. "You seem like a cool guy to have around" I tell him and his smile grows wider. "Well who can resist Leo Valdez" he exclaims while trying to flex. I laugh at his attempt.

Suddenly a man who is on a horse comes up to us. Wait, scratch that, his bottom half was the horse. "You must be Paige Ross and Blaire Williams" he says to us. We are speechless at his appearance. All we can do is nod our heads. "Come and walk with me. I bet you have a few questons you want answered don't you?".

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